Major version 2024
Version 2024.05 – 2024-07-21
- SQWareCentral for All: bugfix, format mail when error on exec on demand job
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add examples for param variables gvsqw_RsyncProtocol_MyHost and gvsqw_RsyncPath_MyHost
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, exec UpdateApiList when dbspatch
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, modify vmsqwarebox by localhost in some example parfiles
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: bugfix, modify modify gen databases list for version <= 3.2
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, modify purge in DumpDatabase to avoid error when /var/tmp mounted in noexec mode
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, correction of “Error, can’t read gvsqw_MssqlPassFile=” !!!”
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, add detail for login if ‘SQL_LOGIN’ or ‘WINDOWS_LOGIN’
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, detect (and print) if we are on RDS SQL
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, don’t collect users if RDS SQL (can’t execute “EXECUTE AS LOGIN = ‘$lvsqw_Login'”)
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, for gather file and log size use ‘sys.dm_db_file_space_usage’ and ‘sys.dm_db_log_space_usage’ instead of ‘DBCC showfilestats’ and ‘DBCC LOGINFO’ for version>=2012
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, just warning when collect jobs info if RDS SQL (rights on msdb.dbo.sysjobs, msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps, msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory)
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, just warning when gather structures for version<=2000
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, add “datallowconn!=’f'” where clause when generate db list
- SQWareWeb for All : enhance, add logs for update instance in Repository
- SQWareWeb for All : enhance, add mass update for Repository
- SQWareWeb for All : bugfix, change param in files of OnDemandJobs
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance, add IsInRecovery reports (unit and all)
Version 2024.04 – 2024-06-02
- SQWareCentral for PostgreSQL: enhance, add purge of tsqwpg_CitusTables table
- SQWareCentral for PostgreSQL: enhance, add purge of tsqwpg_Extensions and tsqwpg_ExtensionsChanges tables
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, Global.lib exit code 22 (instead 0) when can’t retrieve return code on script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modify RMAN script for backup controlfiles on windows …
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, modify PITR to support conf files with space like ‘C:\Program Files\…’
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add collect extensions and extensions changes indicators
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add collect of citus tables indicators
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add collect of partitionned tables (before, only partitions report)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify CopyDump scripts to accept all formats p,t,c,d
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify Dump scripts to accept all formats p,t,c,d
- SQWareRepository for All: bugfix drop index on tsqw_JobsOnDemandFollow (double)
- SQWareRepository for PostgreSQL: enhance, add tsqwpg_CitusTables table
- SQWareRepository for PostgreSQL: enhance, add tsqwpg_Extensions and tsqwpg_ExtensionsChanges tables
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance, add reports for citus tables indicators
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance, add reports for extensions and extensions changes in all and unit views
Version 2024.03 – 2024-04-26
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, modify RMAN Clone for SBT_TAPE
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, modify “shutdown immediate” by “shutdown abort” in MenuRman
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, suppress “format” option when SBT_TAPE in RmanBackup script (for VEEAM lib usage for example)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, add shebang for Debian that run sh for PITR script
- SQWareRepository for All: bugfix, maintain table list to update
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add GenerateCreateNewTableDbaliasDate script
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, maintain table list to update (dbalias)
Version 2024.02 – 2024-04-07
- SQWareCentral for All: bugfix, escape of quotes for parameter tracing for sqwScheduler
- SQWareCentral for All: bugfix, modify reset var order in sqwScheduler
- SQWareCentral for All: bugfix, OnDemandJobKiller kill with 31 instead of 51 (pb with old Solaris version)
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, global review of help (-h)
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, global review of sample (-s)
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, Global lib, modify trap with 31 instead of 51 (pb with old Solaris version)
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, modify gfsqw_GiveTraceCounterAndFile in InsertIndicators lib (pb trap errors)
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, augment verbosity of debug for Global lib
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, augment verbosity of debug for InsertIndicators lib
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, global review of help (-h)
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, global review of sample (-s)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add -Concurrently and -NoConcurrently options for ReindexAllDatabases and ReindexDatabase scripts
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add gvsqw_Concurrently=Enable variable to globaly activate CONCURRENTLY for ReindexDatabase script
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify gvsqw_DropTmpIndexes=Disable to gvsqw_DropTmpIndexes=Enable
- SQWareRepository for All: bugfix, modify update demo for tsqw_GenHisto
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, modify PK of tsqw_VolBackups to add bck_type
Version 2024.01 – 2024-02-25
- SQWareCentral for All: bugfix, add check option to sqwScheduler
- SQWareCentral for All: bugfix, modify formatting return code
- SQWareCentral for All: bugfix, replace ls by find for search AsyncFiles
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add ExecFromSQWareWeb to exec scripts from SQWareWeb
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add purge of tables tsqw_AuditJobsOnDemandParam, tsqw_AuditJobsOnDemandSchedule and tsqw_JobsOnDemandFollow
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add restart sqwScheduler when dbspatch
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, take into acount EndDate for all check exceptions in morning mail
- SQWareCentral for All: functionality, add deamon sqwScheduler to exec OnDemandJobs
- SQWareCentral for All: functionality, add script sqwctl_ExecOnDemandJob.ksh to exec OnDemandJobs
- SQWareCentral for All: functionality, add sqwctl_ExecOnDemandJobKiller.ksh for kill on demand job from SQWareWeb
- SQWareCentral for MongoDB: bugfix, for check db backup when status “KEEP”
- SQWareCentral for MongoDB: enhance, add check backup in morning report
- SQWareCentral for MySQL: enhance, add follow of perf files volumetry
- SQWareCentral for PostgreSQL: bugfix, for check db backup when status “KEEP”
- SQWareCentral for SQWareRepository: enhance, add follow of SQWareRepository version in tsqw_RepositoryVersion
- SQWareCentral for Sybase: bugfix, for check db backup when status “KEEP”
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, modify formatting return code
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, replace ls by find for search AsyncFiles
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, take into acount parameters name with more than on space
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, modify trap in Global lib to preserve log
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: bugfix, modify gen list databases in gather indicator (when multiple node)
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, autodetect if we are on primary or not
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, exclude “config” database from backup because of rights issue
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, modify mongosh usage when available
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, use ‘show dbs’ to list db and enhance errors management
- SQWareProduction for Mssql: bugfix, take into acount database name with more than on space in Global lib and gather indicators
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, add ‘PARTITION = ALL’ when rebuild not partitionned index (better result)
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, use ‘show global variables’ instead of ‘show variables’ in indicators and rotate slowquery
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, generate drop tmp indexes even if rebuild indexes fail
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add exclude ‘proxy database’, ‘has proxy database’, ‘user created tempdb’, ‘archive databases’ by default from gen list db
- SQWareRepository for All: enahance, add tsqw_AuditJobsOnDemandPrivs
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add column EndDate to tsqw_VolBackupsThreshold, tsqw_VolBackupsExclude, tsqw_VolBackupsExcludeDb, tsqw_VolBackupsExcludeGlobalDb, tsqw_VolThreshold
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table tsqw_JobsOnDemandFollow to follow OnDemandJobs execution
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table tsqw_JobsOnDemandParam and tsqw_AuditJobsOnDemandParam to param OnDemandJobs
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table tsqw_JobsOnDemandPrivs to manage OnDemandJobs privilleges
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table tsqw_JobsOnDemandSchedule and tsqw_AuditJobsOnDemandSchedule to schedule OnDemandJobs
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add tsqw_JobsOnDemandStatus and tsqw_JobsOnDemandStatusTranslate
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Modify support date for 19c and 21c (MOS Doc ID 742060.1)
- SQWareRepository for PostgreSQL: bugfix, table_rows column of tsqwpg_VolTables to accept more than 10 billion
- SQWareRepository for SQWareCentral: enhance, add table tsqw_RepositoryVersion to follow version
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add column EndDate in CheckBackups and Thresholds
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add jobupid and jobpidctl in reports batches execution (to spot JobsOnDemand)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add unit/OnDemandJobs and all/AllOnDemandJobs in jobs menu
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, modify or in menu 2 to be more efficient
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, take into acount EndDate for all check exceptions reports
- SQWareWeb for All: functionality, add JobsParam, JobsParamPrivs and JobsSchedule report and admin
- SQWareWeb for All: functionality, add kill in JobsSchedule
- SQWareWeb for All: functionality, add reports OnDemandJobs and AllOnDemandJobs to display OnDemandJobs execution traces
- SQWareWeb for MongoDB: bugfix, for check db backup when status “KEEP”
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: bugfix, for check db backup when status “KEEP”
- SQWareWeb for SQWareCentral: enhance, add AsyncFiles and PerfFiles report to follow volumetry of log, sql and perf files
- SQWareWeb for SQWareRepository: enhance, add SQWareRepositoryVersions and SQWareRepositoryFiles report to follow SQWareRepository patches
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: bugfix, for check db backup when status “KEEP”
Major version 2023
Version 2023.09 – 2023-12-18
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, modify test in .profile_confort to avoid return code 1
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add somme future reports for perf (Monitor*)
- SQWareProduction for All: functionality, add script sqwgen_FailWithoutMail
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, add trace backup footprint
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, about ExpdpAllSchemas script (for sysdba connection and CDB env)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add script ExpdpAllPDB script to datapump all PDB in //
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add traces in SQWareRepository for all types of dmpdp
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, add double quotes when generate drop commands
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, supp mail ‘no clean’ when PgIsInRecovery=’true’ for PITR
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add -DropTmpIndexes option to drop if exist index_name like ‘%ccnew%’ or index_name like ‘%ccold%’ (reorg script)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add gvsqw_DropTmpIndexes variable to force to drop or not if exist index_name like ‘%ccnew%’ or index_name like ‘%ccold%’ (reorg script)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add -NoDropTmpIndexes option to disable drop if exist index_name like ‘%ccnew%’ or index_name like ‘%ccold%’ (reorg script)
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: bugfix, modify test MajorVersion in GatherStructure
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, allow modification of a user’s password by an admin external_ad
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, modify rights on GlobalGrowth and ReportFS reports
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, allow entering ‘$’ and ‘#’ in Administration
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, code optimization for actions and languages in Administration
Version 2023.08 – 2023-11-06
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add ability to force protocol for rsync ex “export gvsqw_RsyncPath_=–rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync”
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add ability to force protocol for rsync ex “export gvsqw_RsyncProtocol_MyHost=–protocol=26”
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, structure changes not work since 2023.03 …
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: about ExpdpAllSchemas script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, indicators when datafile name contain \n \r or is missing
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modify purge of dmpdp files because Oracle put files in upper case on windows
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add -LtmIgnore option to execute “dbcc settrunc (ltm,ignore)” after load
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: bugfix, modify clone RMAN script when RMAN directory is a symbolic link (for find command)
- SQWareRepository for PostgreSQL: bugfix, modify generation of backup_label file in PITR script (wall file apear when start by an upper letter, ex : FD/23000028)
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, init NbDays in SQWareCentral after timeout
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, modify reports AllIndexesChanges, AllStructuresChanges and AllTablesChanges
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add AllSchemes reports in “all” category
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add AllSchemes reports in “unit” category
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add AllStructuresLastStatusAsync reports in “all” category
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add AllStructuresStatusAsync reports in “all” category
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add AllStructuresStatusAsync reports in “unit” category
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add detail in compare structure reports
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add traces in apiOut
Version 2023.07 – 2023-09-27
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add purge of tsqw_GenPathInfos
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: enhance, add PathInfos reports
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: enhance, add var gvsqw_PathList and call of gfsqw_GatherPathInfos in GatherIndicators
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add gfsqw_GatherPathInfos to follow var, logical path and physical path
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add PathInfos reports
- SQWareProduction for DB2: enhance, add PathInfos reports
- SQWareProduction for DB2: enhance, add var gvsqw_PathList and call of gfsqw_GatherPathInfos in GatherIndicators
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, add PathInfos reports
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, add var gvsqw_PathList and call of gfsqw_GatherPathInfos in GatherIndicators
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, modify CopyDump script to not delete files included in copy list and use rsync
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, modify retrieve method for hostname in gather indicators
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, add CopyMariaBackup script
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, add CopyXtraBackup script
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, add PathInfos reports
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, add var gvsqw_PathList and call of gfsqw_GatherPathInfos in GatherIndicators
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, modify CopyDump script to not delete files included in copy list and use rsync
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, modify purge in DumpDatabase to avoid error when /var/tmp mounted in noexec mode
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, -OptionsBeforeMySQL in restore scripts to put additional options before mysql command (by default, $gvsqw_OptionsBeforeMySQL)
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, -OptionsMySQL in restore scripts to put additional options during mysql command (by default, $gvsqw_OptionsMySQL)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, source env in sqwora_RmanClone for source
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add PathInfos reports
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add script ExpdpAllSc^Cmas to datpump all schemas one by one in //
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add var gvsqw_PathList and call of gfsqw_GatherPathInfos in GatherIndicators
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add PathInfos reports
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add var gvsqw_PathList and call of gfsqw_GatherPathInfos in GatherIndicators
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify CopyDump script to not delete files included in copy list and use rsync
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify purge in DumpDatabase to avoid error when /var/tmp mounted in noexec mode
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add PathInfos reports
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add TestInstConnection script
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add var gvsqw_PathList and call of gfsqw_GatherPathInfos in GatherIndicators
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, modify CopyDump script to not delete files included in copy list and use rsync
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table tsqw_GenPathInfos to insert var, logical path and physical path
Version 2023.06 – 2023-07-03
- SQWareCentral for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify check backup for standby when not required
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, add touch to not rmdir …
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add traces to debug (export gvsqw_Debug=true to use it)
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, collect CPU number, type … for Solaris
- SQWareProduction for DB2: bugfix, add “db2 connect …” in Reorganize because lost connection due to “tee” for log
- SQWareProduction for DB2: bugfix, add “db2 connect …” in RunStats because lost connection due to “tee” for log
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, lfsqw_BackupPath in sqwmsq_TestInstConnection.ksh
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, modify AlterDatabaseModifyLogGrowth to exclude offline and snapshot databases
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, modify AlterDatabaseRecoverySimple to exclude offline and snapshot databases
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, modify AlterDatabaseShrinkLogs to exclude offline and snapshot databases
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, add -AllFull option to BackupAllDatabases script to select all databases with RECOVERY=FULL (for backup log)
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, take into account flag -F in restore script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modify query when collect indicators on offline datafiles in multi-tenant architecture
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, suppress “JOIN” in query for collect indexes infos when version <= 8i
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add -ForceDump option to force dump when cluster is in recovery
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add -ForcePitr option to force PITR when cluster is in recovery
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add gvsqw_ForceDump variable to force dump when cluster is in recovery
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add gvsqw_ForcePitr variable to force PITR when cluster is in recovery
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add -NoForceDump option to disable force dump when cluster is in recovery
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add -NoForcePitr option to disable force PITR when cluster is in recovery
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add xlog/wal replay pause when PITR standby
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add column BckSlave to tsqw_VolBackupsThresholdDef and tsqw_VolBackupsThreshold to ask or not check on standby
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table tsqw_VolBackupsExcludeAuto to exclude standby for backup check when not required
- SQWareRepository for PostgreSQL: enhance, add tsqwpg_IsInRecoveryHisto and tsqwpg_IsInRecovery to trace if PG is in recovery mode
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add management of BckSlave on VolBackupsThresholdDef and VolBackupsThreshold menu to ask or not check on standby
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add new column (Backup Standby) in CheckBackups
Version 2023.05 – 2023-05-08
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add ReportSupport script to send support dates of DBMS
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: enhance, add check ‘expdp full’ in morning check
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, modify gather OS indicators
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, add support for v6.0 1/4: run mongosh instead of mongo command
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, add support for v6.0 2/4: add (prompt = “”; ) to suppress prompt display
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, add support for v6.0 3/4: call ‘setReadPref(“primaryPreferred”)’ instead of setSecondaryOk() because deprecated
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, add support for v6.0 4/4: output contain now ‘ instead of “
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, add ‘where bck.is_snapshot=0 and bck.is_copy_only=0’ when collect backup traces
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, suppress options before $gvsqw_ConnectString to accept “–defaults-file” in GatherIndicators
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, add alter “session set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=’.,'” because NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS var don’t work in all cases …
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modify gather PDB and TBS indicators for DG in multi-tenant
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add trace of ‘expdp full’ (for check backups)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, check if pg_is_in_recovery
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, “fast => TRUE” for PITR (>=15)
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: bugfix, modify search of dump to load with flag
- SQWareRepository for All: bugfix, extend fields in tsqw_GenHostInfos
- SQWareRepository for All: bugfix, modify size of HostRelease col in tsqw_GenHostInfos
- SQWareRepository for All: bugfix, put binary mode on database_name and username fields on tsqw_UsersDb
- SQWareRepository for All: bugfix, put database_name and username cols case sensitive in tsqw_UsersDb
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add support PHP 8.2
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, load log and mail files for apiAudit jobs
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add check ‘expdp full’
Version 2023.04 – 2023-03-06
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add banner
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: bugfix, add “echo” to avoid error when no instance on host for StartedInstances
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, return underlying code of executed command instead of 12 in RunJob script
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: bugfix, modify Global.lib to trap version (to ignore for example “Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS …”)
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, add “PARTITION=$lvsqw_IndexPartitionNumber” when IndexPartitionNumber > 1 in RebuildIndex script
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, exclude objects with special caracters [ or ] in RebuildIndex script
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, add -SizeMaxIndex option and gvsqw_SizeMaxIndexRebuild variable to take into account indexes <= $gvsqw_SizeMaxIndexRebuild Mb
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, add -SizeMinIndex option and gvsqw_SizeMinIndexRebuild variable to take into account indexes >= $gvsqw_SizeMinIndexRebuild Mb
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, passwd masking in log messages
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, add “exit” when collect DBMS_STATS datas to avoid blocking sqlplus
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, use pg_backup_start and pg_backup_stop (instead of pg_start_backup and pg_stop_backup) in PITR script for version >= 15
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, use the non-exclusive backup (pg_start_backup/pg_backup_start) in PITR script for version >= 9.6
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add column rdbmstype to tsqw_LinkDbApplication
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, modify PK on tsqwora_DbmsStats (param_name not null)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add free field for dbalias in linkDbApplication
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add support PHP 8.1
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, modify strict join by like join on dbalias in reports LinksDbApplication, LinksDbApplicationStrict, LinksDbApplicationCompact (all and unit)
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: bugfix, display for LackBackupsJustified
Version 2023.03 – 2023-02-11
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add CheckRunningDBMS script to find running DBMS on hosts
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add follow SqlFiles
- SQWareCentral for MsSql: bugfix, replacement of ins_date by ins_date to handle the case where ins_date is different in tsqwmsq_Files when check spaces
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: enhance, add purge of tsqwora_Ctlfiles and tsqwora_Logfiles
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: enhance, add purge of tsqwora_DbmsStats
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, add “eval” in gfsqw_ExecCommandTeeReturnCode (thks Luc for the report)
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, add collect of adminCommand.getParameter when collect parameters indicators
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, add \” when call gvsqw_RsyncOptions in sqwmys_CopyDumpDatabase.lib (thks Luc for the report)
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, modify maj version for MariaDB case (add 0 at the end of major version because version 10.10 for exemple …) => 10.5 not 105 but 1005, 10.10 not 1010 but 10010
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, split collect database and users indicators to avoid errors
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add collect of controlfiles
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add collect of DBMS_STATS default parameters
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify sqwpg_GatherStructure.lib to load in tsqwpg_AllIndexesTempo indexes like %ccnew% or %ccold%
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, add tsqwora_Ctlfiles
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, add tsqwora_DbmsStats
- SQWareRepository for PostgreSQL: enhance, add table tsqwpg_AllIndexesTempo to trace indexes %ccnew% or %ccold% created when REINDEX CONCURRENTLY and fail to drop them
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add report to follow SqlFiles
- SQWareWeb for MongoDB: bugfix, replacement of NbDays=5 by NbMonth=12 when call all/parameters/ParametersChanges.html (in menu2)
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add reports (unit + all) of controlfiles and redologs
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add reports (unit + all) of DBMS_STATS default parameters
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify reports AllTempIndexes and TempIndexes to view contents of tsqwpg_AllIndexesTempo
Version 2023.02 – 2023-01-24
- SQWareCentral for MongoDB: bugfix, modify sqwmng_GenLstUniqueNew.sql
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, modify call to gfsqw_EndMailError when tee
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, modify gfsqw_EndTrt + gfsqw_ExitTrt because tee prevents variable retrieval (suddenly, the script always exits in code 0)
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add lfsqw_ArchivingParameters fonction to exclude parameters from change tracking
- SQWareProduction for DB2: enhance, add call of lfsqw_ArchivingParameters to exclude parameters from change tracking
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, add call of lfsqw_ArchivingParameters to exclude parameters from change tracking
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, add call of lfsqw_ArchivingParameters to exclude parameters from change tracking
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, trap “no version information available” message when check version
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, add call of lfsqw_ArchivingParameters to exclude parameters from change tracking
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add call of lfsqw_ArchivingParameters to exclude parameters from change tracking
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add call of lfsqw_ArchivingParameters to exclude parameters from change tracking
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add call of lfsqw_ArchivingParameters to exclude parameters from change tracking
- SQWareProduction for SybRs: enhance, add call of lfsqw_ArchivingParameters to exclude parameters from change tracking
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table tsqw_ParametersChangesExclude (to exclude parameters from change tracking)
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table tsqw_UsersDbAddInfos (to add user information in reports)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add ‘ChangementsParametresExclusion’ tab in Jobs
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add ‘UserAjoutInfos’ tab in Jobs
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add distribution report dbms/Customer
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add distribution report dbms/env
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add management of ParametersChangesExclude (to exclude parameters from change tracking)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add management of UserAddInfos (to add user information in reports)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, modify reports InventoryUsers and InventoryUsersFiltered to add user informations contained in tsqw_UsersDbAddInfos
Version 2023.01 – 2023-01-14
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add tee and suppress tail for log management in all scripts (big change, need adapt your custom scripts!)
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add tee and suppress tail for log management in all scripts (big change, need adapt your custom scripts!)
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, change log name for RunJob to ${lvsqw_Action}_${gvsqw_DateFullIso}_${gvsqw_GlobalPid}.log
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, Management of a lock file to avoid two backups of the same type at the same time
- SQWareProduction for MySQL : bugfix, modif gather indicator global vol, don’t work in MariaDB 10.6, bug ?
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add CopyDumpAllDatabases to run CopyDumpDatabase in //
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add CopyDumpDatabase script to copy dump between to host (get and put methods)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add RestoreAllDatabases to run RestoreDatabase in //
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add RestoreDatabase script to restore database dump made by pg_dump
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, BackupArchiveXlog use pigz if installed instead of gzip (use “export gvsqw_ArchiveXlogPigzMaxProc=x” to limit the number of processes to x)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, BackupPitr use pigz if installed instead of gzip (use “export gvsqw_PitrPigzMaxProc=x” to limit the number of processes to x)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, disable Analyze, Reindex, Vacuum, BackupPitr jobs when pg_is_in_recovery=true
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, DumpAllDatabases use pigz if installed instead of gzip (use “export gvsqw_DumpPigzMaxProc=x” to limit the number of processes to x)
- SQWareRepository for All: bugfix, alter tsqw_LinkDbApplication to make database_name case sensitive
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, sql error for audit changes in tsqwRepository with mysql
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, translation 3 labels for repository
Major version 2022
Version 2022.06 – 2022-09-26
- SQWareProduction for DB2: enhance, add gather system infos in indicators (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareProduction for Ingres: enhance, add gather system infos in indicators (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: bugfix, suppress info message for gather indicators tables
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, add gather system infos in indicators (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add gvsqw_RmanMkdirOption to control create backup RMAN directory
- SQWareWeb for Adabas: enhance, add compare unit reports for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for Adabas: enhance, add reports all/unit for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for DB2: enhance, add compare unit reports for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for DB2: enhance, add reports all/unit for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for Ingres: enhance, add compare unit reports for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for Ingres: enhance, add reports all/unit for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for MongoDB: enhance, add compare unit reports for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for MongoDB: enhance, add reports all/unit for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance, add compare unit reports for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance, add reports for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for MySQL: enhance, add compare unit reports for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for MySQL: enhance, add reports all/unit for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add compare unit reports for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add reports all/unit for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance, add compare unit reports for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance, add reports all/unit for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance, add compare unit reports for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance, add reports all/unit for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for SybRs: enhance, add compare unit reports for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareWeb for SybRs: enhance, add reports all/unit for system infos (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
Version 2022.05 – 2022-08-23
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: enhance, add gather system infos in indicators (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareProduction for DB2: enhance, add support of gather indicators for DB2i (AS400) with unixODBC
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, add gather system infos in indicators (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add gather system infos in indicators (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add gather system infos in indicators (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add gather system infos in indicators (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareProduction for SybRs: enhance, add gather system infos in indicators (IPs, memory, CPU, …)
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add tsqw_GenHostInfos table to store system infos
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add create icon
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, API Update for JobsFollow
Version 2022.04 – 2022-07-25
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add version + volumetry in RefInstance file
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add version in RefInst file
- SQWareProduction for MySQL : enhance, add options for sqwmys_MysqlAdmin.ksh and add script sqwmys_GaleraAdmin.ksh
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, gather structures in multitenant architecture (bad exit)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add GetAlertFile tools + alt alisas
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add option for “mkdir -p” on backup RMAN script
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, multiple corrections for PG 8.3… (-w option for psql and datcollate, datctype fields in pg_database)
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, suppress mail when “dump tran” fail but “dump inc” success
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: functionnality, add sqwsyb_UpdtStatsParallelDatabase.ksh for calculate statistics in // mode on tables
- SQWareRepository for All: bugfix, add ins_date column for tracking schema changes on empty tables
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add tables tsqw_AdminTokenDynamic, tsqw_AdminTokenStatic, tsqw_AuditToken, tsqw_AuditConnectionsApi
- SQWareWeb for All: access, add TokenStatic
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, API Update (tsqw_Repository management)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, API indicators, trace backups
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, API indicators, trace VolFS
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Audit tsqw_Repository UPDATE and DELETE methods
Version 2022.03 – 2022-05-27
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, remove spurious messages
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: bugfix, exclude ‘local’ from dump scripts
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, modify dump script to accept not authenticated mongodump
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, modify dump script to add traces when tar command fail
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, modify dump script to choose tar or not after mongodump
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add flag -TryCum for dump script (try cumulative when dump tran fail)
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, multi_bar php5.3
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, external connection management (like AD)
Version 2022.02 – 2022-04-09
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, modif check FS to view only 1 alert by host and mount
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, gather structures in multitenant architecture (bad exit)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modify when overload “xxx as sysdba”
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add open/close PDB$SEED to avoid backup purge when perform a full backup in multitenant architecture
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: functionnality, add sqwora_MonitorWithAwrLastStat.ksh script to generate csv of latests ratios
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, add ‘always’ when check archive_mode before PITR
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, add ‘always’ when check archive_mode before run sqwArchmon
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add info2=dbo in tsqw_UsersDb when user is “Owner”
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add ddlgen devices + ddlgen databases + conf file when backup all
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: functionnality, add sqwsyb_UpdtStatsParallelDatabase.ksh for calculate statistics in // mode on tables
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add column interactive in tsqw_AdminLoginsTypes table
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add external_ad and internal_api_update authentication_type
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add tables tsqw_AuditRepository and tsqw_AuditConnections
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, extend size of virt_host_name and host_name fields in tsqw_Repository
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, modify size_limit, threshold_c and threshold_w in decimal on tsqw_VolThresholdDef and tsqw_VolThreshold tables
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add decimal for threshold in Admin
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, field length enlargement : host in Admin
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, functions to get clients infos
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, internal authentication
Version 2022.01 – 2022-01-30
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add variable gvsqw_MailSubjetForceCase to force a case for mail subject, put UpperCase or LowerCase or NoCase, to avoid quarantine (like rule ODD_CASE of spamassassin)
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: enhance, Maj supported versions in help (4.0)
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, Maj supported versions in help (5.1)
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, replace ‘ps -edf’ by ‘ps -ef’ for cygwin env
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, some replace of ‘\r’ in cygwin env
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modify “with admin option” by “with grant option” in createdb.sql
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, replace ‘ps -edf’ by ‘ps -ef’ for cygwin env
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, some replace of ‘\r’ in cygwin env
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, trap warning message expdp scripts like “ORA-39173: Encrypted data has been stored unencrypted in dump file set.”
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, trap warning message expdp scripts like “ORA-39327: Oracle Database Vault data is being stored unencrypted in dump file set.”
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Maj supported versions in help (21c)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, replace ‘ps -edf’ by ‘ps -ef’ for cygwin env
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, some replace of ‘\r’ in cygwin env
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add flag -AddFlagName for CopyDumpDatabase and CopyDumpAllDatabases scripts
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add flag -AddFlagName for DumpDatabase and DumpAllDatabases scripts
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add flag -AddFlagName for LoadDatabase and LoadAllDatabases scripts
- SQWareProduction for Teradata: enhance, Maj supported versions in help (15.x, 16.x, 17.x)
- SQWareRepository for Cassandra: enhance, Maj support dates (4.0)
- SQWareRepository for MongoDB: enhance, Maj support dates (5.1)
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Maj support dates (21c)
- SQWareRepository for Teradata: enhance, Maj support dates (15.x, 16.x, 17.x)
- SQWareWeb for All : bugfix, allow . in url for Admin
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, get parameter NbDays for Central
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, Modify support dates display (were not displayed when no data)
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, Put footer links in https mode
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add option of percent in pie
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, put MonthlyGrowthAll.chart in bar format
- SQWareWeb for Cassandra: enhance, Maj supported versions in help (4.0)
- SQWareWeb for MongoDB: enhance, Maj supported versions in help (5.1)
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Maj supported versions in help (21c)
- SQWareWeb for Teradata: enhance, Maj supported versions in help (15.x, 16.x, 17.x)
Major version 2021
Version 2021.07 – 2021-12-28
- SQWareCentral for MongoDB: enhance, modify to take into account “basic env” (no repli, no authent, …)
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, modify compute of FS rate in indicators to be equal with “df”
- SQWareProduction for DB2: bugfix, modify gather alert log file
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, add check connection script
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, add user access to databases collect
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, modify to take into account “basic env” (no repli, no authent, …)
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, take into account “no authent mode”
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, add filter on snapshot db (for backup, rebuild, … “All”
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, add user access to databases collect
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, add collect of user/db to store in tsqw_UsersDb
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, add user access to databases collect
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, some correction for windows+cygwin (place of tempfiles, name without :, …)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add more detail when collect table, partition, subpartitions, …
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add more detail when select FS list
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add more FS in indicators
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add user access to databases collect
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add user access to databases collect
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, take into account PG 14
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add more FS in indicators
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add user access to databases collect
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add tsqw_UsersDb table
- SQWareRepository for MsSql: bugfix, suppress “typeset -u” when retrieve instance arg
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, add tsqwora_Tab, tsqwora_TabPart,tsqwora_TabSubPart,tsqwora_Ind,tsqwora_IndCol,tsqwora_IndPart,tsqwora_IndSubPart tables
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, % on input for Admin
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add Oracle Cluster
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add userExclusion in Admin
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add userInclusion in Admin
- SQWareWeb for MongoDB: enhance, add report ‘user access to databases’ and ‘user access to databases filtered’ + API (only for admin)
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance, add more detail in all databases report
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance, add report ‘user access to databases’ and ‘user access to databases filtered’ + API (only for admin)
- SQWareWeb for MySQL: enhance, add report ‘user access to databases’ and ‘user access to databases filtered’ + API (only for admin)
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add report ‘user access to databases’ and ‘user access to databases filtered’ + API (only for admin)
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance, add report ‘user access to databases’ and ‘user access to databases filtered’ + API (only for admin)
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance, add more detail in all databases report
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance, add report ‘user access to databases’ and ‘user access to databases filtered’ + API (only for admin)
Version 2021.06 – 2021-09-27
- SQWareCentral for All: bugfix, add check source profile to avoid error when non-interactive shell not source profile ! (cygwin for example)
- SQWareCentral for All: bugfix, modify gfsqw_ComputeDuration to take into account negative duration
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, Add ability to mute sending mail with $HOME/sqwConfig/Mute.cfg
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, Search 100% compatibility with ksh, bash and cygwin in sqwgen_Global.lib
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: enhance, Search 100% compatibility with ksh, bash and cygwin in all scripts/libs
- SQWareProduction for Generic: enhance, Search 100% compatibility with ksh, bash and cygwin in all scripts/libs
- SQWareProduction for Ingres: enhance, Search 100% compatibility with ksh, bash and cygwin in all scripts/libs
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, modify rebuild and update stat script to support tables with simple quote or space in their name
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, modify gvsqw_RebuildType to ‘index’ by default for rebuild
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, Search 100% compatibility with ksh, bash and cygwin in all scripts/libs
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: functionality, add “tools” AlterDatabaseModifyLogGrowth to modify logs growth in Mb instead of %
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: functionality, add “tools” AlterDatabaseRecoverySimple to alter databases to “RECOVERY SIMPLE”
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: functionality, add “tools” AlterDatabaseShrinkLogs to shrink all logs
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, Search 100% compatibility with ksh, bash and cygwin in all scripts/libs
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add set env example files for RAC/ASM or standalone oratab
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Search 100% compatibility with ksh, bash and cygwin in all scripts/libs
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add postgresql.conf files for 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11, 12, 13
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify “GenCreateInstance” to create directories and generate postgres.conf …
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, Search 100% compatibility with ksh, bash and cygwin in all scripts/libs
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, Search 100% compatibility with ksh, bash and cygwin in all scripts/libs
- SQWareRepository for All: bugfix, extend duration column in tsqw_VolBackups, tsqw_JobsFollow and tsqw_VolTapeBackups
- SQWareRepository for MsSql: enhance, add support for database_name with spaces ! (replace spaces by underscores in filenames)
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, case of one curve on multi-curves
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, special case of one curve (multi-curves)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add bar chart
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: bugfix, modify syntax for rebuild COLUMNSTORE indexes (suppress sort_in_tempdb option)
Version 2021.05 – 2021-06-18
- SQWareProduction for DB2: bugfix, modify delete backups
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, add “BackupLog” in default generated sqwmsq_Jobs.cfg
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, case of one curve on multi-curves
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add choice between name and id of application in Admin_Links
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add the updating of user’s rights
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add updating cache
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add updating rights in MenuManagement
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, block entry of spaces in Admin
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, button customization in Admin
- SQWareWeb for Cassandra: bugfix, modify bad link for InventoryNodes
Version 2021.04 – 2021-05-05
- SQWareCentral for Adabas: enhance, add containers usage in the morning check
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add Async and Awr file volumetry follow
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add follow of repo changes (patch, upgrade, add) in tsqw_FollowRepoChanges
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, add collect of MsSql jobs from msdb
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, add collect of MsSql jobs stats exec per day and month
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, RAC mode for Awr monitor and generation
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, test if not connected to CDB in indicators script
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table tsqw_SqlFollow
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add tsqw_AwrFollow and tsqw_AsyncFollow tables
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add tsqw_FollowRepoChanges table
- SQWareRepository for MsSql: enhance, add tsqwmsq_JobHistoryStats and tsqwmsq_JobHistoryStatsMonth tables
- SQWareRepository for MsSql: enhance, add tsqwmsq_Jobs, tsqwmsq_JobSteps and tsqwmsq_JobHistory tables
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, add instance_number in tsqwora_Awr% tables and views
- SQWareWeb for Adabas: enhance, add warning on containers usage
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, Admin Fields size
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, Right groups management
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add Sql insert report for unit
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add SqlErr report for all DBMS
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add SqlErr report for unit
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add the follow of Repo changes (status OFF and delete repo)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Authentication Type
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Traduction
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance, add reports on MsSql jobs setting and execution
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance, add reports on MsSql jobs stats exec per day and month
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, RAC mode for Awr reports
Version 2021.03 – 2021-03-09
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add UpdateApiList script
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, use ‘wmic volume get name’ instead of xp_fixeddrives to get mount point
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add BlockChangeTracking collect
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add EncryptedTablespaces collect
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, add tsqwora_BlockChangeTracking table
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, add tsqwora_EncryptedTablespaces table
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, modify query for adminCheckBackupDefaultNbDays
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, modify query for adminCheckBackupSpecificNbDays
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add API list report (in management view, admin only)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add Daybook for Management (admin only)
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add BlockChangeTracking reports (all + unit)
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add EncryptedTablespaces reports (all + unit)
Version 2021.02 – 2021-02-21
- SQWareCentral for MsSql: enhance, add var to manage timeout+textsize in freetds.conf generation
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, modify eval global var to keep ” in content
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: bugfix, one ajustement in indicators script
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, add TestInstConnection script to test instance connection
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, add TestInstConnection script to test instance connection (local+dist)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modify RMAN backup for Standby
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add TestInstConnection script to test instance connection (local+dist)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, ‘show all’ connected with catalog when available
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add TestInstConnection script to test instance connection (local+dist)
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add GeneralInfos and Daybook tables
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table AdminLoginsTypes to manage type of user
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, add table tsqwora_RepositoryClusters to manage ASM clusters
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add ins_date in Admin
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add help for Table and Chart
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add GeneralInfos for Management (admin only)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add management in menu2 (all and unit)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add online help for tables and charts
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: bugfix, modify LackBackupsDb.table and LackBackupsDbJustified.table
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add InventoryPdb in all/various
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add reports on ASM DG (unit and all)
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, move *DbaFeature* *DbaRegistry* *DbLinks* *MaxLog* *DgStatus* *RegistryHistory* from all/overview to all/various
Version 2021.01 – 2021-01-19
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add trace of dbSQWare version on DBMS level
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, some adjusts in HTML format mails
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add trace of dbSQWare version on DBMS level
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modify connect string in RMAN Clone (wallet)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modify some indicators for Oracle 8i …
- SQWareRepository for All: bugfix, modify url masking for avoid “Illegal mix of collations for operation ‘concat'”
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add API REST engine (more than 1400 reports available)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, change css checkbox (right access)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add custom2 and custom3 in menu2 (all and unit)
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add reports in unit/growth OraInstanceInfos, OraDatabaseInfos (like all)
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add reports in unit/tablespaces TablespacesInfo, DatafilesInfo (like all)
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add reports in unit/various ArchivelogsNb, ArchivelogsNbDetail, ArchivelogsNbHourly, ArchivelogsNbHourlyDetail (in Nb)
Major version 2020
Version 2020.08 – 2020-12-15
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, modify css for html mail
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, insert into tsqwora_VolAsmDG detail datas on ASM DG
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add authentication_type in table tsqw_AdminLogins to permit ‘internal_api’ authentication (‘internal’ by default)
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table tsqw_AdminMasking and tsqw_AdminMaskingTranslate to manage API URL masking
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table tsqw_AdminMaskingApiList to manage API URL list
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add type ‘AdminView’, add group ‘AdminView’ and create user ‘api_viewer’ (access to all api by default)
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, add table tsqwora_VolAsmDG
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, add rights where clause in ‘backups’ and ‘batches’ reports (unit + all) and check rights when open log or mail
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, first step for API
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Chart css
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Empty chart line css
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Licence message
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Security enforced
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add detail reports on ASM DG (more detail than follow in tsw_VolFS)
Version 2020.07 – 2020-11-26
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add lvsqw_CentralExecAdditionalOption variable to give the possibility to add options to the executed command
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add lvsqw_CentralExecNbThread variable to give the possibility to force the degree of execution parallelism
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, modification of the css sheet in accordance with SQWareWeb
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, correction to take into account datafiles with a /n or /r in the name ! (it exists, we just ran into it!)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add flag -NoSeg to don’t collect schemas, tables and segments information during indicators
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add flag -NoTbs to don’t collect instance, TBS and DBF information during indicators (only for fast update of gen info !)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add lib to manage Wallet for RMAN scripts (to avoid some issues with ‘/ as sysdba’ connection)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add -NoSeg option to allow collecting indicators without taking into account schemas, segments and tables
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add some precision on datafiles (especially for Dataguard)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, insert into tsqwora_Logfiles datas on redologs and standbylogs
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, insert into tsqwora_RegistryHistory datas from SYS.REGISTRY$HISTORY
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, more precision when display full version for Oracle >= 18c
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add ins_date field in the majority of tables to track the latest updates
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, add table tsqwora_Logfiles
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, add table tsqwora_RegistryHistory
- SQWareWeb for All : enhance, add “LastUpdate” in majority of reports
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add “central” on Menu1 to display SQWareCentral informations
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add ins_date field in the majority of reports to display the latest updates
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance, add reports on mssql files
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add reports on redologs and standbylogs
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, add reports on SYS.REGISTRY$HISTORY
Version 2020.06 – 2020-10-18
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, for RMAN and Indicators script, accept MOUNT state when “PHYSICAL STANDBY” role
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, modify check version to take into account “rc” (releases candidate)
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: bugfix, add “ around “rows” column name …
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add tables tsqw_AdminJobs and tsqw_AdminJobsTranslate
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, modify License message to be more explicit
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add compatibility for PHP 7
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add Help and Sample files (en + fr) for job list
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add “jobs list” table to show help and example for major scripts
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add jobs list
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: bugfix, add “ around “rows” column name (word reserve in recent version of MySQL/MariaDB)
Version 2020.05 – 2020-08-25
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, adjust again the mecanism of Async files
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, possibility to leave menu2 open
Version 2020.04 – 2020-07-20
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add ability to split host_name field in multiple rows in lists generation
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add sync_inst alias
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, modify lock mecanism for Async files
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: bugfix, increase open_mode size of tsqwora_Database
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: enhance, add ‘DG’ status in check backup
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, modify enable/disable xp_cmdshell mecanism
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, some corrections on the PITR restoration help
- SQWareRepository for All: bugfix, change field database_name to case sensitive in tsqw_RepositoryDbAuto
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table tsqw_Split table to be able to split host_name field in multiple rows
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, increases the size of host_name field in tsqw_Reposotory and tsqw_ReposotoryOther
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, modify end of support date for 19c (MOS 742060.1)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add Repository dbalias
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add MonthlyGrowthAll report
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add reports compare parameters
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add reports in all view TargetsDetail
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add update dbalias for all tables
Version 2020.03 – 2020-05-24
- SQWareCentral for All: bugfix, correct some errors on links in mail for check report
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add aliases sync_all, sync_glob and ssh_clean
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add purge of tsqw_RepositoryDbAuto
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, Modification of the SQL generation function to avoid overwriting files
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add lfsqw_ArchivingDb in sqwXXX_GatherIndicators.lib to insert databases/schemas in tsqw_RepositoryDbAuto
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add lvsqw_ForceGlobalMail to overwrite gvsqw_GlobalMail
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, change log_slow_queries (Deprecated and Removed) by slow_query_log in rotate log
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table RepositoryOtherProducts
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table tsqw_LinkDbApplication
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table tsqw_RepositoryApplication
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add table tsqw_RepositoryDbAuto
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add tables tsqw_LinkInstanceApplication, tsqw_LinkStrength and tsqw_LinkStrengthTranslate
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, modify view vsqw_GenDb to use tsqw_RepositoryDbAuto
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add reports in all view LinksInstanceApplication, LinksInstanceApplicationCompact, LinksDbApplication, LinksDbApplicationStrict, LinksDbApplicationCompact
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add reports in unit view LinksInstanceApplication, LinksInstanceApplicationCompact, LinksDbApplication, LinksDbApplicationStrict, LinksDbApplicationCompact
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add RepositoryOtherProducts management
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add tsqw_LinkDbApplication management
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add tsqw_RepositoryApplication management
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: bugfix, for table with \n in their name …
Version 2020.02 – 2020-04-06
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modify MenuRMan and RmanBackup lib (pb when execute inc0 from the menu)
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, General layout
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, Link Display
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, Licence
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, Menu1 & Menu2
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, Tables
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, correct some css entries
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, correct some errors on links in lack backups reports
Version 2020.01 – 2020-03-08
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: enhance, Add check lag for dataguard instances
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, Some corrections in the online documentation (thanks to Laurent Demontreuille for the review)
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add ability to decrypt with openssl files containing connection information
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, Add gvsqw_MySqlInsertMode variable for Async insert in SQWareRepository
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add help (tools) to crypt/uncrypt files with openssl
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, adding the license check on SQWareProduction commands, be careful to have a valid license!
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modify GatherIndicator for ‘ in DbLink description
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, Modify gather table,columns,indexes definition to avoid error when name contain ‘ or \n or \r …
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, modify GatherStructure for ‘ in column name
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, modify position for reindex opt
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, Add -Force option in BackupArchiveXlog
- SQWareProduction for SybRs: enhance, Add gather DiskPartition and Parameters in indicator script
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add Manage menu tables
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add tsqw_JobsFollow to replace tsqw_JobsExec (log and mail files outside the bdd)
- SQWareRepository for SybRs: enhance, Add DiskPartition and Parameters tables
- SQWareWeb for SybRs: enhance, Add DiskPartition and Parameters report on general and detail view
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, The new UX/UI !
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add menu management (with right)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add copy, excel, csv, pdf (with filter) on table
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add locale management (you can choose fr or en) with preference
Major version 2019
Version 2019.05 – 2019-09-26
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, add gvsqw_NotMysqldumpErrorMsg variable to suppress non error messages in mysqldump
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, eval command of xtrabackup to avoid simple quote in additional options
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, first support of MariaBackup script for MariaDB
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, Add gather tables, columns and indexes definition in indicator script
- SQWareRepository for MongoDB: bugfix, add mng db in vsqw_GenDb view
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance, Add tables, columns and indexes definition changes report on detail view
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance, Add tables, columns and indexes definition changes report on general view
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance, Add tables, columns and indexes definition compare report on detail view
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance, Add tables, columns and indexes definition compare report on general view
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance, Add tables, columns and indexes definition report on general view
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance, Add tables, columns and indexes report on detail view
Version 2019.04 – 2019-06-23
- SQWareCentral for All: bugfix, Add “ for drop tsqw_All%_% tables to avoid problem with – in the name
- SQWareCentral for MsSql: bugfix, for display of backup check in mail
- SQWareCentral for MySQL: enhance, add SlowQueryAsync capability (rotate and retrieve file)
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, Add gvsqw_GlobalTmpDir variable to choose other directory than /var/tmp to put tempfiles
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, for table or column with ‘ or \n or \r in name
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, performance improvement in the collection of structures
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, for table or column with ‘ or \n or \r in name
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix, modify query for gather Structure to make it case-sensitive (add BINARY keyword)
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, add AsyncCopy in sqwmys_RotateLogSlowQuery.ksh
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, for gather structures on Oracle 9.2
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, for table or column with ‘ or \n or \r in name
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, change “load data local infile” by insert command in BackupArchiveXlog because of right change in MySQL v8
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, for table or column with ‘ or \n or \r in name
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, suppress ‘pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)’ in query structure
- SQWareRepository for MsSql: bugfix, add “ for name, rows, etc … because of reserved words for MySQL v8
- SQWareRepository for MsSql: bugfix, increase owner field size in tsqwmsq_VolDb 30 to 80
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, for display of backup check in mail
- SQWareWeb for All: bugfix, suppress URL with % to avoid error on display Backups
Version 2019.03 – 2019-04-14
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, modify call of dm_db_index_physical_stats in rebuild script to avoid error when a database is offline
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, modify stat script to trap some errors
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, modify trap off errors to avoid false positive
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, Modify gather table,columns,indexes definition in structure script to put info in individual tables
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, Add -PutInf and -GetInf flags on CopyDump to permit get or push method of copy
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, Modify gather table,columns,indexes definition in structure script to put info in individual tables
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Modify gather table,columns,indexes definition in structure script to put info in individual tables
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, Modify gather table,columns,indexes definition in structure script to put info in individual tables
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add tsqw_AllSchemas table
SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add view vsqw_EndLife like http://webdba/generic/general/SupportDates.html - SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add view vsqw_Inventory like http://webdba/generic/general/Inventory.html
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add view vsqw_InventoryDb like http://webdba/generic/general/InventoryBases.html
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add view vsqw_Support like http://webdba/generic/general/Support.html
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, drop tsqw_AllColumns, tsqw_AllColumnsLast, tsqw_AllTables, tsqw_AllTablesLast, tsqw_AllIndexes, tsqw_AllIndexesLast to trace in individual tables
- SQWareRepository for MsSql: enhance, Add view vsqwmsq_LinkedServers like http://webdba/mssql/techgen/LinkedServers.html
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Add view vsqwora_DatabaseInfos like http://webdba/oracle/techgen/OraDatabaseInfos.html
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Add view vsqwora_DbLinks like http://webdba/oracle/techgen/DbLinks.html
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Add view vsqwora_GeneralInfos like http://webdba/oracle/techgen/GeneralInfos.html
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Add view vsqwora_InfoASM like http://webdba/oracle/techgen/InfoASM.html
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Add view vsqwora_InstanceInfos like http://webdba/oracle/techgen/OraInstanceInfos.html
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add report for support date info in general view
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Modify all structures reports to take into account individual tables
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add report for databases info in techgen view
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add report for instances info in techgen view
Version 2019.02 – 2019-02-24
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add flag -Locale on all scripts
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, first step for internationalization
- SQWareCentral for MsSql: bugfix, add DATE_FORMAT in check space database to generate good link/li>
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: enhance, add flag -Locale on all scripts/li>
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: enhance, first step for internationalization
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: enhance, add flag -Locale on all scripts
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: enhance, first step for internationalization
- SQWareProduction for DB2: enhance, add flag -Locale on all scripts
- SQWareProduction for DB2: enhance, first step for internationalization
- SQWareProduction for Generic: enhance, add flag -Locale on all scripts
- SQWareProduction for Generic: enhance, Add lvsqw_RootLibGen variable in Global lib to avoid custom of name instead of sqw…_
- SQWareProduction for Generic: enhance, first step for internationalization
- SQWareProduction for Ingres: enhance, add flag -Locale on all scripts
- SQWareProduction for Ingres: enhance, first step for internationalization
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, add flag -Locale on all scripts
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, first step for internationalization
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, add flag -Locale on all scripts
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, first step for internationalization
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, add flag -Locale on all scripts
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, first step for internationalization
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add flag -Locale on all scripts
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, first step for internationalization
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add flag -Locale on all scripts
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, first step for internationalization
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add flag -Locale on all scripts
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, first step for internationalization
- SQWareProduction for Teradata: enhance, add flag -Locale on all scripts
- SQWareProduction for Teradata: enhance, first step for internationalization
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Removal of status ‘KEEP’ for accounting licenses
Version 2019.01 – 2018-12-09
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, Add tsqw_AllIndexesChanges purges
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, Add tsqw_AllTablesChanges and tsqw_AllColumnsChanges purges
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: enhance, Remove ‘KEEP’ status from check started instances
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, commonality of character ‘ in the collection of linked servers (indicators)
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, Correct RebuidType by RebuildType for rebuild scripts
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, Modify INFORMATION_SCHEMA by information_schema for case sensitive instances for rebuild scripts
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, Add gather indexes definition in structure script
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, Add gather tables and columns definition in indicator script
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, Add gather indexes definition in structure script
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, Add gather tables and columns definition in indicator script
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, Add RestoreCommands.hlp generation to help restore of XtraBackups
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, Add “and system_created = ‘Y'” for ASM indicators
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, suppress warning in AWR ORA-22923: amount of data specified in streaming LOB write is 0
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, suppress warning RMAN-08139: warning: archived redo log not deleted, needed for guaranteed restore point
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add gather indexes definition in structure script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add gather tables and columns definition in indicator script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add hint Parallel to collect tables size in dba_segments
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add -NoArc flag to disable backup of archivelog when type i[0-4] for RMAN script
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, Add gather indexes definition in structure script
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, Add gather tables and columns definition in indicator script
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, Add tablespace location on gather indicators
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: bugfix, Suppress message “columns won’t be freed until next reorg-rebuild or datacopy operation.” on gather indicators
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add client and env columns in tsqw_RepositoryExclude to improve filter capabilities
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add client and env columns in tsqw_RepositoryInclude to improve filter capabilities
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add tsqw_AllColumns and tsqw_AllColumnsLast to store columns definition
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add tsqw_AllColumnsChanges to store changes on columns
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add tsqw_AllIndexes and tsqw_AllIndexesLast to store indexes definition
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add tsqw_AllIndexesChanges to store changes on indexes
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add tsqw_AllTables and tsqw_AllTablesLast to store tables definition
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add tsqw_AllTablesChanges to store changes on tables
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add tsqw_GdprExclude and tsqw_GdprInclude to exclude/include sensitive data detection
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add tsqw_StructureExclude and tsqw_StructureInclude to exclude/include structure monitoring
- SQWareWeb for All : enhance, add new tables : StructureInclude, StructureExclude, GdprInclude and GdprExclude
- SQWareWeb for All : enhance, add persistent filters in tables
- SQWareWeb for All : enhance, add persistent filters in tables (admin)
- SQWareWeb for All : enhance, add regex filtering on tables columns
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add indexes definition changes report on detail view
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add indexes definition changes report on general view
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add indexes definition compare report on detail view
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add indexes definition compare report on general view
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add indexes definition report on detail view
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add indexes definition report on general view
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add report global growth in general view (All instances growth 1, 2, 3, 6, 12 and 16 months)
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add tables and columns definition changes report on detail view
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add tables and columns definition changes report on general view
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add tables and columns definition compare report on detail view
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add tables and columns definition compare report on general view
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add tables and columns definition report on detail view
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add tables and columns definition report on general view
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: bugfix, add nb days filter in techdet backups (msdb)
Major version 4.0
Version 4.0.09 – 2018-09-09
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: bugfix, Suppress GiB and MiB from return of ‘nodetool status –resolve-ip’
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, Suppress master,model,msdb from restore all databases
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, Add -BeforeSql and -AfterSql flag in restore script to execute sql script before or after restore
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, Add XtraBackup script
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance, add RatioIndexData in table reports
- SQWareWeb for MySQL: enhance, add RatioIndexData in table reports
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance, add RatioIndexData in table reports
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance, add RatioIndexData in table reports
Version 4.0.08 – 2018-08-03
- SQWareCentral for All: bugfix, for “c” command
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: bugfix, Modify check connection for version MongoDB 3.4
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, Add Drives info in indicator script
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, Add exclude ReportServerTempDb ‘AllDatabases’ scripts
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, Add LinkedServers info in indicator script
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, Modify backup and restore scripts to accept space in backup directory
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, Add “if exists” when analyse an optimize to avoid error when drop table occur during job
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add DbLinks info in indicator script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add -NoDrop and -PartialExp flags in ImpDp script to no drop object and put ‘table_exists_action=replace’ option when impdp
- SQWareRepository for MsSql: enhance, Add exclude ReportServerTempDb for check backups
- SQWareRepository for MsSql: enhance, Add LinkedServers table
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Add DbLinks table
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance, Add Drives display
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add DbLinks display in techdet and techgen
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: MsSql, Add LinkedServers display in techdet and techgen
Version 4.0.07 – 2018-07-22
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, “c” alias break on menu to choose if return more than 1 row
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: enhance, Add ModifyAutoextendDBF action
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: functionality, Add ExecSQL script
- SQWareProduction for DB2: functionality, Add ExecSQL script
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, Add -MinRatioReb flag in RebuildIndex script, threshold avg_fragmentation_in_percent to rebuild
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, Add -MinRatioRgz flag in RebuildIndex script, threshold avg_fragmentation_in_percent to reorganize
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, Add -RebuidType flag in RebuildIndex script to only rebuild or reorganize fragmented indexes
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: functionality, Add ExecSQL script
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, Add -RD flag in Dump scripts to overload default dump destination
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: functionality, Add ExecSQL script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add -DG flag in RMAN script to avoid backup dataguard instance
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add -OPT flag in RMAN script to permit add any option
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: functionality, Add ExecSQL script
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, Add -RD flag in Dump scripts to overload default dump destination
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: functionality, Add ExecSQL script
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: functionality, Add ExecSQL script
- SQWareProduction for Teradata: functionality, Add ExecSQL script
- SQWareRepository for PostgreSQL: bugfix, made databasename case sensitive
Version 4.0.06 – 2018-06-17
- SQWareProduction for DB2: bugfix, find db2diag log when you are in rotate mode
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add report all backup for all instances in techgen
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add report batches with mail for one instance in techdet
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add report failed batches for one instance in techdet
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add report latest backup by type in techgen
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add report running batches for one instance in techdet
Version 4.0.05 – 2018-04-21
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, for 9i RMAN catalog
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add DgStatus info in indicator script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add name,db_unique_name,database_role in MaxLog info in indicator script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add -NoDelInput option tisable ‘delete input’ when backup archivelog in RMAN script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add open_mode in GeneralInfos info in indicator script
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: bugfix, for gather instance version in 16.0 SP03
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Add DgStatus table
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Add name,db_unique_name,database_role in MaxLog table
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Add open_mode in GeneralInfos table
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add DgStatus display in techdet and techgen
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add MaxLog display in techdet and techgen
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add open_mode display for GeneralInfos in techdet and techgen
Version 4.0.04 – 2018-03-25
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: enhance, Add DbaFeature purge
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: enhance, Add DbaRegistry purge
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: enhance, Add tsqwora_VolBackups purge
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, Add -Drop and -Create option in restore scripts
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, Suppress sqlid datas when AWR not make link ‘HREF’
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add common library GenericRefresh for SchemaRefreshExpdp, Impdp, CopyDmpdp scripts
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add DbaFeature info in indicator script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add DbaRegistry info in indicator script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add -DIR option to change default dump directory for Expdp script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add -DIR option to change default target dump directory for SchemaRefreshExpdp script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add -DIRS option to change default source dump directory for SchemaRefreshExpdp script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add -GetInf option to push dump to an other host for Expdp script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add -PdbS to choose PDB source name for SchemaRefreshExpdp script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add RMAN Catalog info collect in indicator script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: functionality, Add CopyDmpdp script, can be use in get or put option
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: functionality, Add Impdp script (can also retrieve dump from an other host with -GetInf option) and multiple options like SchemaRefreshExpdp script
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Add DbaFeature table
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Add DbaRegistry table
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Add tsqwora_VolBackups table
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance, Add detail (used, log) when display data growth between 2 dates
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance, Add log curve on database size graph
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add DbaFeature display in techdet and techgen
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add DbaRegistry display in techdet and techgen
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add tsqwora_VolBackups display in techdet
Version 4.0.03 – 2018-02-23
- SQWareCentral for Db2: bugfix, modif check db backup when type ‘delta’
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: enhance, Add exec sql example script
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: bugfix, some adjust for generate config
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: enhance, Add purge backup history
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, Exclude performance_schema from backup
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add option to disable cumulative
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add option to disable zdlra
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add option to make cumulative by default
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add option to make zdlra by default
- SQWareRepository for MySQL: enhance, Exclude performance_schema from backup
- SQWareWeb for Db2: bugfix, modif check db backup when type ‘delta’
Version 4.0.02 – 2018-01-28
- SQWareCentral for MsSql: bugfix, modif check db backup when type ‘diff’
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add -Cumulative option in RMAN backup script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add -Zdlra option in RMAN backup script
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, Add ‘with hashing’ for upt stats script when ASE version >= 15.7 ESD#2 or SP50
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, Add ‘with online’ for reorg script when ASE version >= 15.7 ESD#2 or SP50 and Enterprise edition
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add Distribution / clients/env report
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: bugfix, modif check db backup when type ‘diff’
Version 4.0.01 – 2017-12-22
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: enhance, Modify check backup report (param by day and type)
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: enhance, filter “archive” databases for gather indicators
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: enhance, modif gather indicator for big tables (adarep display)
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, change date format in log messages
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, change display of return code
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add some ASM indicators (footprint of db on ASM)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, modif gather indicator for PDB, loop instead of use CDB_% views
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Modify gather Tables indicator for multi-tenant (loop on PBD instead of use vues CDB_%, query too long !)
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, add tables and param for manage read access in SQWareWeb
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add tsqw_VolBackupsThreshold and tsqw_VolBackupsThresholdDef for check backup (detail by day and type)
- SQWareWeb for Adabas: enhance, Modify check backup report (param by day and type)
- SQWareWeb for All : enhance, test and correction for quotes, slashes, backslashes … in admin screens
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add filter read access on all reports
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add read access management by group
- SQWareWeb for Cassandra: enhance, Modify check backup report (param by day and type)
- SQWareWeb for DB2: enhance, Modify check backup report (param by day and type)
- SQWareWeb for MongoDB: enhance, Modify check backup report (param by day and type)
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance, Modify check backup report (param by day and type)
- SQWareWeb for MySQL: enhance, Modify check backup report (param by day and type)
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Modify check backup report (param by day and type)
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance, Modify check backup report (param by day and type)
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance, Modify check backup report (param by day and type)
- SQWareWeb for Teradata: enhance, Modify check backup report (param by day and type)
Major version 3.1
Version 3.1.14 – 2017-07-02
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modif grep ‘^ORA-‘ to avoid false positive in some script when hostname contain ‘ORA-‘ !
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add gather indicators for tables detail, datafiles and tablespaces
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add script to modify datafiles parameters (extend management)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: remove of message type ‘RMAN-08120: WARNING: archived log not deleted, not yet applied by standby’ for RMAN script
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Add tables for tables detail, datafiles and tablespaces
- SQWareRepository for Sybase: enhance, some adjust for ASE 16
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add datafiles report with warning on next extend too small, datafile full, maxsize<size< li=””>
</size<> - SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add tables detail report total/data/indexes/lob/lobindex
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add tablespaces report with management type, logging, …
Version 3.1.13 – 2017-05-17
- SQWareCentral for generic: enhance, Add license info in indicators report
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: enhance, Add parallelism limitation for backup script
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: enhance, Some adjusts for backup script
- SQWareProduction for Genric: enhance, Add lock in rsync script
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, for backup PITR with rsync method and large database mode 3 attempts to rm old backups
- SQWareRepository for PostgreSQL: enhance, add support for PG 10
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, change images for licence, console …
Version 3.1.12 – 2017-03-08
- SQWareRepository for PostgreSQL: bugfix, remove “-d” flag when pg version < 9.3
- SQWareRepository for PostgreSQL: enhance, some adjust for PG 9.6
Version 3.1.11 – 2017-01-20
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: enhance, Some adjusts to support C* v3.0 in indicators script
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, Modify dump script for distant access
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, Modify global lib for distant access
- SQWareRepository for MySQL: bugfix, modify column table_rows in tsqwmys_VolTables from int to decimal
- SQWareRepository for MySQL: enhance, add purge of global_log
Version 3.1.10 – 2016-12-23
- SQWareCentral for generic: enhance, Modify expiration date for “free edition”
- SQWareCentral for generic: enhance, Modify ssh key gen
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, Add backup footprint in dump script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add backup footprint in RMAN script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add capability to generate distant Statspack report
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add manage Statspack script (snap,purge)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, Add backup footprint in dump and PITR scripts
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, Add backup footprint in dump script
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance, Add backup footprint table
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, Add env in growth instance report
- SQWareWeb for MySQL: enhance, Add backup footprint reports
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add ASM support in sqwArchmon
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add backup footprint reports
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add env in growth instance report
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance, Add backup footprint reports
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance, Add backup footprint reports
Version 3.1.09 – 2016-09-20
- SQWareCentral for Adabas: bugfix, Some adjusts
- SQWareCentral for generic: enhance, Add backup custom env for dbSQWare
- SQWareCentral for PostgreSQL: enhance, Add PITR in check backup
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: bugfix, Some adjusts
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: enhance, Add Backup (all nodes) full/inc script
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, Add RsyncBackup script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add -PdbList option for GenerateAwr
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add RsyncBackup script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add -Split option for RmanBackup and sqwArchmon scripts
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, Add RsyncBackup script
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, Add RsyncBackup script
- SQWareWeb for Adabas: bugfix, Some adjusts
Version 3.1.08 – 2016-09-05
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: enhance, Add backup script
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: enhance, Add reorg script
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: enhance, Add delete checkpoint script
Version 3.1.07 – 2016-08-10
- SQWareCentral for All: limit mail sending for indicators
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: limit mail sending for AWR scripts
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: first support, indicators
- SQWareProduction for Generic: add pstree info when ptree not available
- SQWareProduction for Generic: limit size of mail
- SQWareProduction for MsSQL: bugfix, modify indicators to ignore table with name > 128 because sp_spaceused no support that
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modify head of AWR summary
- SQWareRepository for Adabas: first support
- SQWareRepository for MongoDB: bugfix, add case sensitive on tablename indicators table
- SQWareWeb for Adabas: first support
Version 3.1.06 – 2016-04-27
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: bugfix modify indicators for v3.2
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance add v3.2 options in backup script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add « Top x event » in AWR summary report
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, Add detail PDB for Oracle 12c multitenant in AWR script
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance, Add detail PDB for Oracle 12c multitenant in AWR tables
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance, Add detail PDB for Oracle 12c multitenant in AWR reports
Version 3.1.05 – 2016-01-29
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: enhance add RollingRestart script
- SQWareProduction for Generic: enhance add dbSQWare logfile concat (hourly or daily)
- SQWareProduction for Generic: enhance limit size of « mail » trace insert
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance add -Rename option in RestoreAllDatabases script
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: bugfix for trap « corrupt » message when mysqldump
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance add -SkIna for RMAN backup script
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance backup archiveXlogs in //
Version 3.1.04 – 2015-11-30
- SQWareCentral for Generic: enhance, add dbspatch command
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance insert mail in trace table
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: bugfix, add –no-color flag for cqlsh commands
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, suppress trap of ‘Msg 5060, Level 0 … Nonqualified transactions are being rolled back’ message as error
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, modify indicators to trap messages from login.sql
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance add begin/end snap in monitor perf
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance add monitor hourly archivelog generation in monitor perf
- SQWareRepository for All: enhance add column on batch table
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance add begin/end snap in monitor perf tables
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance add monitor hourly archivelog generation tables
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance add all batchs reports
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance add failed batchs reports
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance add mail column for all batchs reports
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance add running/broken batchs reports
- SQWareWeb for All: enhance, add detail table in distribution reports (general view)
- SQWareWeb for DB2: enhance add change parameters report (hide)
- SQWareWeb for DB2: enhance add parameters view (hide)
- SQWareWeb for Generic: enhance, add targets reports (total, per dbms, per client)
- SQWareWeb for MongoDB: enhance add change parameters report (hide)
- SQWareWeb for MongoDB: enhance add parameters view (hide)
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance add change parameters report (hide)
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance add parameters view (hide)
- SQWareWeb for MySQL: enhance add change parameters report (hide)
- SQWareWeb for MySQL: enhance add parameters view (hide)
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance add begin/end snap in monitor perf report
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance add change parameters report (hide)
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance add monitor hourly archivelog generation in monitor perf
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance add parameters view (hide)
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance add change parameters report (hide)
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance add parameters view (hide)
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance add change parameters report (hide)
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance add parameters view (hide)
Version 3.1.03 – 2015-11-11
- SQWareCentral for All: functionality add RunJob and ParallelRun for central
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, modify break link in « databases » and « GrowthMonth » reports
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, add « ^ » when search backup to delete
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, enforce trap of error when « bsqldb: Msg » and « fisql: Msg » messages
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, modif gen default conf – SQWareProduction
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance add get backup indicators from msdb
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, add trap of ORA- when delete backup
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, modify Rman tools when nocatalog=true
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, add « ^ » when search dump to delete
- SQWareRepository for MsSql: enhance add tables for backup indicators from msdb
- SQWareWeb for All: format #####
- SQWareWeb for MsSql: enhance add backup indicators from msdb
Version 3.1.02 – 2015-09-25
- SQWareCentral for Cassandra: enhance, add union on tsqw_RepositoryNoSQL for GenLstUniqueOn
- SQWareCentral for Teradata: enhance add detail by AMP for databases check
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: enhance change connection credentials for cqlsh
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: enhance, modify cqlsh connection string (based on « nodetool status » or cassandra.yaml)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, .profile_confort for RAC env
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, gather indicateur when ASM and gvsqw_OraBin with ~user/…
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, suppress warning RMAN-08073 and RMAN-08517 when delete RMAN backup in 8i
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, Trap « ORA-13605: The specified task or object does not exist for the curren » message when AWR generation
- SQWareProduction for Teradata: enhance add detail by AMP for databases indicators
- SQWareProduction for Teradata: enhance add detail by AMP for tables indicators
- SQWareRepository for Teradata: enhance add detail by AMP for databases indicators
- SQWareRepository for Teradata: enhance add detail by AMP for tables indicators
- SQWareWeb for All: Graph Multi Courbes
- SQWareWeb for DB2: bugfix, DB2 table detailed reports
- SQWareWeb for Teradata: enhance add detail by AMP for databases reports
- SQWareWeb for Teradata: enhance add detail by AMP for tables reports
Version 3.1.01 – 2015-08-08
Les grands changements sont:
- ajout du support de Cassandra
- ajout du support de Teradata
- support de l’Oracle 12c mutitenant architecture
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add test sendmail script
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add test SQWareRepository connection script
- SQWareCentral for PostgreSQL: enhance, add purge tables for monitoring of ArchiveXlog
- SQWareCentral for Teradata: functionality add support of teradata
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add test sendmail script
- SQWareProduction for All: enhance, add test SQWareRepository connection script
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: enhance add gather Keyspace indicators
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: enhance add keyspaces and columnfamilly detail gather indicators
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: functionality add gather indicators
- SQWareProduction for Cassandra: functionality add nodetool execution on all nodes
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: bugfix, supress –password in Dump lib
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance add support of 12c mutitenant
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add support of Oracle 8i for RMAN backup script
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, add monitoring of ArchiveXlog generation
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, limit sendmail (2 per hour by default) for ArchiveXlog script
- SQWareProduction for Teradata: functionality add support of teradata
- SQWareRepository for Cassandra: enhance add keyspaces and columnfamilly detail tables
- SQWareRepository for Oracle: enhance add support of 12c mutitenant
- SQWareRepository for PostgreSQL: enhance, add tables for monitoring of ArchiveXlog
- SQWareRepository for Teradata: functionality add support of teradata
- SQWareWeb for Cassandra: enhance add Keyspace indicators
- SQWareWeb for Cassandra: enhance add keyspaces and columnfamilly
- SQWareWeb for Cassandra: functionality add indicators
- SQWareWeb for Oracle: enhance add support of 12c mutitenant
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: enhance, add report of ArchiveXlog generation
- SQWareWeb for Teradata: functionality add support of teradata
Major version 3.0
Version 3.0.08 – 2015-05-04
Ce sera le dernier patch de Version 3.0, la 3.1 devant sortir avant la fin du premier semestre 2015.
- SQWareRepository for MySQL: bugfix, case sensitive for tablename
- SQWareCentral for Teradata: enhance, First step for Teradata support
- SQWareCentral for Adabas: enhance, First step for Adabas support
- SQWareProduction for Teradata: enhance, First step for Teradata support
- SQWareProduction for Adabas: enhance, First step for Adabas support
- SQWareRepository for Teradata: enhance, First step for Teradata support
- SQWareRepository for Adabas: enhance, First step for Adabas support
- SQWareWeb for Teradata: enhance, First step for Teradata support
- SQWareWeb for Adabas: enhance, First step for Adabas support
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, when generate backup list « ToTape » for RMAN archives backups in 9i
Version 3.0.07 – 2015-03-08
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, treat messages like « RMAN-06554: WARNING: file 1 is in backup mode » as warning and not error in RMAN script
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, add -PurgeDiff to backup scripts for remove all diff and log files
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, check if full backup exists when diff (make full instead if not)
Version 3.0.06 – 2015-01-11
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, add filter to exclude RO databases for AllDatabases Rebuild and Statistics scripts
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, error in export script, « EXP-00067: Table XXX will be exported in conventional path » is trap as warning
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, add -Consistent option in export script to force « direct=n consistent=y » for « full » mode
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, no trace backup when failed
- SQWareRepository for Sybase: bugfix, growth field in tsqwsyb_GenInfos and tsqwsyb_VolDb (for repo in MySQL 5.6)
- SQWareRepository for MsSql: bugfix, growth field in tsqwmsq_VolDb (for repo in MySQL 5.6)
- SQWareRepository for MySQL: enhance, add Check scripts (thanks to JF Bernard)
Version 3.0.05 – 2014-12-08
- SQWareRepository for All: bugfix, add « table_schema=database() » clause for create indexes
- SQWareCentral for Oracle: enhance, add gen all instance
- SQWareWeb for MySQL: bugfix, table name tsqwmys_LogSlowQuery (lack mys)
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: bugfix, table name tsqwsyb_Parameters (lack syb)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify BackupArchiveXlog and ArchiveXlog script for no purge trace logs (purge by PITR script for perf)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: enhance, modify PITR (not copy archives)
- SQWareCentral core: bugfix, suppress delete of tsqwsyb_VolTablesDetail (does not exist)
- SQWareWeb core bugfix format number
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add detail for gather tables indicators (numrows, reserved, data, indexes)
- SQWareWeb for Sybase: enhance, add detail for tables indicators (numrows, reserved, data, indexes)
- SQWareRepository for Sybase: enhance, modify indicator table for tables (numrows, reserved, data, indexes)
- SQWareCentral for MongoDB: enhance, add purge indicators
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add -Local option for CopyDump script to make cp instead of scp (for NAS/NFS copy …)
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: enhance, support ‘diff’ for Restore scripts (only full before)
Version 3.0.04 – 2014-10-05
- SQWareCentral core: enhance, add gvsqw_SshOptionsInteractive option for interactive ssh connection
- SQWareWeb for MongoDB: enhance, first support of MongoDB
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL: bugfix, query for detail view table
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL: bugfix, file name to tape backup in dump scripts
- SQWareRepository for MongoDB: enhance, first support of MongoDB
- SQWareProduction for MongoDB: enhance, first support of MongoDB
- SQWareCentral for Sybase: enhance, add sql.ini generation
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: bugfix, bad database name in check space for LoadDatabase script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: bugfix, grep « EXP- » message in export scripts
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, suppress ‘all’ information messages when backup or restore
- SQWareCentral for All: enhance, add clean dbSQWare v2 cfg files script
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, add copy dump scripts
- SQWareProduction for MySQL: enhance, add restore database scripts
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: enhance, add trap « it is SUSPECT » message in ‘update stat’ scripts (ex: Index id 2 cannot be used to access table id 592770188 as it is SUSPECT. Please have the SA run the DBCC REINDEX command on the specified table.)
- SQWareProduction for MsSql: bugfix, modify generate rebuild command for table name with space !
- SQWareProduction for All: bugfix, add gvsqw_NetBackupPath var in generic directory for NetBackup script (work only for Oracle and Sybase before)
- SQWareProduction for Sybase: bugfix, change SybaseDumpFiles in SybaseBackups for files list in DumpAllDatabases script (for tape backups)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle: enhance, suppress « ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows » message in DBMS_STATS script
Version 3.0.01 – 2014-04-30
De gros changements structurels sont apportés dans cette version, le changement majeur étant le regroupement des 7 référentiels en 1 seul, sous MySQL.
Major version v2.1
Version 2.1.04 – 2013-11-22
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Modify monitoring AWR + Statspack for patchset
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Add -RD option in dump scripts
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Add -SortInTempdb option for rebuild index script
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Add -Online option for rebuild index script
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Add -Force option for rebuild index script
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Add ‘CopyOnly’ backup type
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Active stripping for differential backup (as full)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add -NoConsistent option for expdp script (don’t put ‘flashback_time=systimestamp’ in expdp)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add -NoConsistent option for refresh schema expdp (don’t put ‘flashback_time=systimestamp’ in expdp)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add -LockKill option for refresh schema expdp (lock user and kill sessions)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add -F option for refresh schema expdp (list of tables to keep)
- SQWareWeb for All, enhance: Modify some field length
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, bugfix: Modify grep error global variable
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, enhance: Modify display off table/chart in detail directories
- SQWareWeb for Sybase, enhance: Modify display off table/chart in detail directories
- SQWareWeb for MsSql, enhance: Modify display off table/chart in detail directories
- SQWareWeb for MySQL, enhance: Modify display off table/chart in detail directories
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL, enhance: Modify display off table/chart in detail directories
- SQWareWeb for DB2, enhance: Modify display off table/chart in detail directories
- SQWareWeb for Ingres, enhance: Modify display off table/chart in detail directories
- SQWareWeb Core, enhance: add buttons chart, table, export excel
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add « consistent » mode by default for Expdp script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add « -NoConsistent » option for Expdp script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add « consistent » mode by default for SchemaRefreshExpdp script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add « -NoConsistent » option for SchemaRefreshExpdp script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add « -LockKill » option for SchemaRefreshExpdp script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add « -OptExp » option for SchemaRefreshExpdp script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add « -OptImp » option for SchemaRefreshExpdp script
- SQWareWeb Core, enhance: modify truncate and resize for performance
Version 2.1.03 – 2013-11-04
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Add before and after scripts for UpdtStatsRebuildWithFlag
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Modify « / as sysdba » connection for version < 10g !
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add monitoring with Statspack
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add Statspack automatic report generation (like AWR)
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: Add monitoring with Statspack (list and auto)
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: Add Statspack automatic report generation (list and auto)
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL, bugfix: Change concat function by || (not exist before 9.1)
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, bugfix: Add trap off « Couldn.t execute » error message
Version 2.1.02 – 2013-10-09
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Add -Before and -After options for restore script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add csv stat files generation for audit with awr
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add tedt_VolTapeBackups purge
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Add tedt_VolTapeBackups purge
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, bugfix: Modidify edtmsq_BackupAllDatabases.ksh to force full backup on master database
- SQWareWeb for Sybase, bugfix: Modify some date format in charts
- SQWareWeb for MsSql, bugfix: Modify some date format in charts
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, functionality: Add NetBackup tape backup script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add list genaration off RMAN backup files (for tape backup)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, functionality: Add NetBackup tape backup script
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: Add list generation off dump files (for tape backup)
- SQWareWeb for Sybase, enhance: Add tape backups reports
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, enhance: Add tape backups reports
- SQWareRepository for Sybase, enhance: Add tape backups table
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, enhance: Add tape backups table
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, bugfix: Modify some table settings
- SQWareWeb for Core, bugfix: Modify some settings for Chrome
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Add list off dump generation for dump scripts (for tape backup)
- SQWareWeb core: bugfix, change link to client.png
- SQWareCentral for Db2, bugfix: Modify default version to v2.1
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, bugfix: Modify default version to v2.1
- SQWareCentral for Sybase, bugfix: Modify default version to v2.1
- SQWareCentral for MsSql, bugfix: Modify default version to v2.1
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, bugfix: Modify default version to v2.1
- SQWareCentral for Ingres, bugfix: Modify default version to v2.1
Version 2.1.01 – 2013-04-20
Le fork officiel de la v2.0 vers la v2.1 est la v2.0.15 qui est en ligne depuis fin avril 2013.
A partir d’aujourd’hui, seuls les bugs référencés seront corrigés dans la v2.0 et ceci, jusqu’à fin décembre 2013. Au-delà, dès janvier 2014, il faudra migrer en v2.1 pour avoir les corrections.
Nombre de modifications sont présentes dans le v2.1 pour la partie web qui est la plus touchée.
Nous sommes passés pour les tableaux de ActiveWidgets à JQuery avec les plugins DataTables, ColVis, TableTools, FixedColumns,…
Nous avons abandonné le flash pour les graphiques (Open Flash Chart) au profit du pur HTML5/JavaScript avec Highcharts !
Voici quelques-unes des nouvelles fonctionnalités qui sont présentes au niveau des tableaux:
- pagination avec choix du nombre de lignes à afficher
- filtre global
- filtre par colonne
- masquage de colonne
- sélection de ligne
- couleur pour les critical/warning
- affichage des dates au format ISO
- …
Major version 2.0
Version 2.0.15 – 2013-04-19
Pour rappel, à partir de maintenant, seuls les bugs référencés seront corrigés dans la v2.0 et ceci, jusqu’à fin décembre 2013. Au-delà, dès janvier 2014, il faudra migrer en v2.1 pour avoir les corrections.
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, bugfix: Modfify query for check dump database
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Add type of install (express, standard, enterprise) in indicators
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, bugfix: Modify kill script to accept spid => 1000 !
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Add « dbcc dbreboot(‘shutdown_load’,dbname) » option before load database
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, bugfix: Force float for curunreservedpgs to avoid ‘Arithmetic overflow’ in some case (ASE 15.7)
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: add -Lock option for LoadDatabase and LoadAllDatabases script
- SQWareCentral for Ingres, bugfix: Modify edtcGenRefIngres.ksh
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: add scripts in spm
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: add backup type option in BackupAllDatabases script
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: add AWR Monitor action and modify status for prod/noprod list generator
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Syntax for dump,copy,load scripts ‘OldSyntax’ (compress::compress_level::…) or ‘NewSyntax’ (with compression = compress_level)
- SQWareWeb PostgreSQL: bugfix, Change symbolic link of common.ini
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Add SqlServer 7 support !
- SQWareProduction for MySql, enhance: Add ‘DIST,MIX,…’ status for check mysqldump
- SQWareWeb for MySql, enhance: Add ‘DIST,MIX,…’ status for check mysqldump
Version 2.0.14 – 2013-03-19
- SQWareCentral for Sybase, enhance: Suppress space at end of lists
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, bugfix: Rebuild index for >= 2008 ‘set ansi_defaults, concat_null_yields_null on’
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, functionality: Add LoadAllDatabases script
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, functionality: Add CopyDumpAllDatabases script
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Add send report option for Load script
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Add suppress dump history for CopyDump script
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, bugfix: Suppress Msg 5806, Level 16, State 1 => when ‘allow updates to system tables’ for load database
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, functionality: Add refresh schema with expdp/impdp
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Add support off SQL 2012
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, bugfix: Change USER variable by « id » for shutdown (su – …)
- SQWareRepository for MySQL, enhance: Add 5.6 infos
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add flag to disable trace for monitoring workload AWR script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Accept not open for RMAN menu
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Pb in edtArchmon insert in v2.0.13
- SQWareWeb for MySQL, enhance: Add 5.6 infos
- SQWareWeb Core, enhance: Add ico and patch custom script
Version 2.0.13 – 2013-01-18
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Change for RMAN scripts and RH 4 (pb |read) !
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Modify call of gfedt_Purge
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add snap (begin-End) selection for GenerateAwr script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Change query for started instance (RAC)
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Add call off lfedt_GatherOverloaded in gather indicators
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Modify call of gfedt_Purge
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Modify call of gfedt_Purge
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: Modify call of gfedt_Purge
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: Modify purge of tedt_JobsLog (perf)
- SQWareProduction for DB2, enhance: Modify call of gfedt_Purge
- SQWareProduction for PostgreSQL, enhance: Add PostgreSQL support
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, enhance: Modify call of gfedt_Purge
- SQWareRepository for MySQL, enhance: Add index on tedt_JobsExec
- SQWareRepository for PostgreSQL, enhance: Add PostgreSQL support
- SQWareWeb Core, bugfix: Pb hide menu DB2 and PG
- SQWareWeb for PostgreSQL, enhance: Add PostgreSQL support
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: Add verbose for “started instances”
- SQWareCentral for PostgreSQL, enhance: Add PostgreSQL support
Version 2.0.12 – 2012-12-17
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add monitoring workload AWR
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add monitor workload with AWR
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: No log upload for export scripts
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Modify AWR generation (DBID/date)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add gfedt_SetMailSender in global lib to choose mail sender
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Modify indicators for parameters with CR or ‘ in value
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add drop type and VM for refresh schema
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, bugfix: Modify dataserver param for “AllDatabases” scripts
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Add gfedt_SetMailSender in global lib to choose mail sender
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Add gfedt_SetMailSender in global lib to choose mail sender
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, bugfix: Modify trap message in restore
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, bugfix: Change command for table indicators ( name with ‘ . space $ # …)
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, bugfix: Suppress -i for grep error messages
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: Add debug mode for RotateLogSlowQuery
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: Add gfedt_SetMailSender in global lib to choose mail sender
- SQWareProduction for DB2, feature: Add DB2-LUW support
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, enhance: Add gfedt_SetMailSender in global lib to choose mail sender
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, enhance: Add GlobalHost, Custom1 and Custom2 fields
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, enhance: Add monitoring workload AWR
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, enhance: Add monitor workload with AWR
- SQWareRepository for Sybase, enhance: Add GlobalHost, Custom1 and Custom2 fields
- SQWareRepository for MsSql, enhance: Add GlobalHost, Custom1 and Custom2 fields
- SQWareRepository for MsSql, bugfix: Modify for EndLife (not null)
- SQWareRepository for MySQL, enhance: Add GlobalHost, Custom1 and Custom2 fields
- SQWareRepository for DB2, feature: Add DB2-LUW support
- SQWareWeb Core, enhance: Prepare for DB2 and Postgres integration
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, enhance: Add GlobalHost, Custom1 and Custom2 fields
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, enhance: Add monitoring workload AWR
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, enhance: Add monitoring workload with AWR
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, enhance: Add monitor workload with AWR
- SQWareWeb for Sybase, enhance: Add GlobalHost, Custom1 and Custom2 fields
- SQWareWeb for MsSql, enhance: Add GlobalHost, Custom1 and Custom2 fields
- SQWareWeb for MySQL, enhance: Add GlobalHost, Custom1 and Custom2 fields
- SQWareWeb for DB2, feature: Add DB2-LUW support
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: Add monitor workload with AWR
- SQWareCentral for MsSql, bugfix: change format list command
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, bugfix: Suppress -i for grep error messages
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, bugfix: change message list error
- SQWareCentral for DB2, feature: Add DB2-LUW support
Version 2.0.11 – 2012-10-09
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Disable upload log for export scripts
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Modify gather indicators for Oracle 8.0 !
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add support of multi catalog in Rman Clone script
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Modify echo message for Linux spm
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, bugfix: Add lvedt_FlagTrtUni for specific option file on database
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, bugfix: Add shema_name and change tsql by fisql command
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, bugfix: Add filter for FreeTds information message in edtmys_Global.lib
- SQWareWeb for MsSql, bugfix: Modify data format for dashboard reports
- SQWareCentral for MsSql, enhance: change tsql by fisql command
Version 2.0.10 – 2012-10-01
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add support of Oracle v7 for indicators
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, bugfix: Modify source env
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, bugfix: Suppress commit in purge function
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, enhance: Add tedt_EndLife for supported/unsupported versions
- SQWareRepository for Sybase, enhance: Add tedt_EndLife for supported/unsupported versions
- SQWareRepository for MsSql, enhance: Add tedt_EndLife for supported/unsupported versions
- SQWareRepository for MySQL, enhance: Add tedt_EndLife for supported/unsupported versions
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, enhance: Add supported/unsupported report
- SQWareWeb for Sybase, enhance: Add supported/unsupported report
- SQWareWeb for MsSql, enhance: Add supported/unsupported report
- SQWareWeb for MySQL, enhance: Add supported/unsupported report
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: Modify size of line in inventory file
- SQWareCentral for MsSql, enhance: Add filter for ‘using default charset’ message
Version 2.0.09 – 2012-09-11
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Insert values in tedt_GenHisto for not started instances if not exist
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add tedt_RepositoryExclude table
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Force a case for instance name parameter, UpperCase or LowerCase or NoCase
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Change gvedt_LogFileNameConvert in lvedt_LogFileNameConvert for edtora_RmanClone.ksh
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add -AddMail flag for check indicators
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Insert values in tedt_GenHisto for not started dataserver if not exist
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Add tedt_RepositoryExclude table
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Force a case for instance name parameter, UpperCase or LowerCase or NoCase
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Add -AddMail flag for check indicators
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Insert values in tedt_GenHisto for not started instances if not exist
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Add tedt_RepositoryExclude table
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Force a case for instance name parameter, UpperCase or LowerCase or NoCase
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Add -AddMail flag for check indicators
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: Insert values in tedt_GenHisto for not started instances if not exist
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: Add tedt_RepositoryExclude table
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: Force a case for dataserver name parameter, UpperCase or LowerCase or NoCase
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: Add -AddMail flag for check indicators
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, enhance: Force a case for instance name parameter, UpperCase or LowerCase or NoCase
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, enhance: Add -AddMail flag for check indicators
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, enhance: Add exclude check lack indicators
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, bugfix: Add ‘grant create public synonym’ for repo owner
- SQWareRepository for Sybase, enhance: Add exclude check lack indicators
- SQWareRepository for MsSql, enhance: Add exclude check lack indicators
- SQWareRepository for MySQL, enhance: Add exclude check lack indicators
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, bugfix: Add segtype on segment reports
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, bugfix: StrictHostKeyChecking=no for add ssh key scripts
- SQWareCentral for Sybase, bugfix: StrictHostKeyChecking=no for add ssh key scripts
- SQWareCentral for MsSql, bugfix: StrictHostKeyChecking=no for add ssh key scripts
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, bugfix: StrictHostKeyChecking=no for add ssh key scripts
- SQWareCentral for Ingres, bugfix: StrictHostKeyChecking=no for add ssh key scripts
Version 2.0.08 – 2012-08-01
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add gather DG and +ASM indicators
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add Flash Recovery Area and detail archivelog by instance indicators
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add RAC and Dataguard environnement basic support
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, bugfix: Modifiy duration display in edtmys_Global.lib
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, enhance: Add tables tedt_RepositoryRac, tedt_MaxLog, vedt_DataguardLag, tedt_RepositoryDg, vedt_VolArchlogs, tedt_VolArchlogsInst, tedt_Fra*
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, enhance: Add check DG tables tables
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, enhance: Add Flash Recovery Area and detail archivelog by instance tables
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, for Oracle,enhance: Add reports for Flash Recovery Area
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, enhance: Add reports for Disk Groups ASM (with FS)
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, enhance: Add detail arch log by instance for RAC environnement
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: Add ssh batch flags on automatics commands
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: Add gen list+auto for Dataguard instances
- SQWareCentral for Sybase, enhance: Add ssh batch flags on automatics commands
- SQWareCentral for MsSql, enhance: Add ssh batch flags on automatics commands
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, enhance: Add ssh batch flags on automatics commands
- SQWareCentral for Ingres, enhance: Add ssh batch flags on automatics commands
Version 2.0.07 – 2012-07-19
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add informations messages
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Modifiy gvedt_OraBin overload in edtora_Global.lib
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Modifiy archive log indicators (for NOARCHIVELOG case)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add generate sqlnet.ora in GenerateCreateDatabase
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Add informations messages
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Modifiy gvedt_SybBin overload in edtsyb_Global.lib
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Add more flexibility in CreateDataserver
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, bugfix: Modifiy return code edtsyb_LoadDatabase.ksh when file not found
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Add informations messages
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Modifiy gvedt_MsqBin overload in edtmsq_Global.lib
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: Add informations messages
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: Modifiy gvedt_MysBin overload in edtmys_Global.lib
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, bugfix: Modify calculation of the duration
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: Add -Consistent and -Opt option in DumpAllDatabases
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, enhance: Add informations messages
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, enhance: Modifiy gvedt_IngBin overload in edting_Global.lib
- SQWareRepository for MsSql, bugfix: Modifiy patch scrit (one line for tsql!)
- SQWareWeb Core, enhance: Prepare to add PosgreSQL and DB2 in v2.1
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, enhance: Add alter session set nls_numeric_characters=’.,’
Version 2.0.06 – 2012-04-29
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Correction information message
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: comment for wait end of background commands in // script
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Update Sybase supported versions to <= 15.7
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, bugfix: Error in help -W instead of -WCD in “AllDatabases” scripts
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, bugfix: Correction information message
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: comment for wait end of background commands in // script
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, bugfix: Error in help -W instead of -WCD in “AllDatabases” scripts
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, bugfix: Correction information message
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: comment for wait end of background commands in // script
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Adding MySql tables indicators
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, bugfix: Modify indicator (parameters) for MySql ( \ and ‘ )
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, bugfix: Error in help -W instead of -WCD in “AllDatabases” scripts
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, bugfix: Correction information message
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: comment for wait end of background commands in // script
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, bugfix: Correction information message
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, enhance: comment for wait end of background commands in // script
- SQWareRepository for MySQL, enhance: Adding MySql tables indicators
- SQWareWeb for MsSql, bugfix: Modify Host menu
- SQWareWeb for MySQL, enhance: Adding MySql tables indicators
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: Add gvedtc_DistSQWareProdUser_xxx and ssh connection for distant mode
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, bugfix: generation of files RefDb_oracle.csv, dbsqware_tnsnames.ora, Ref_oracle.txt
- SQWareCentral for Sybase, enhance: Add gvedtc_DistSQWareProdUser_xxx and ssh connection for distant mode
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, enhance: Modify list unique generation (“ON”,”MIX”)
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, bugfix: Modify generation of Ref_mysql.txt
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, enhance: Add gvedtc_DistSQWareProdUser_xxx and ssh connection for distant mode
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, bugfix: lists generator
Version 2.0.05 – 2012-03-25
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, bugfix: Indicators Sybase (quote in option and OS type)
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, bugfix: Change name format for Sybase dump files [ old format (before v2.0.05) _fstripe1_ / new format (after v2.0.05) _fstripe01_ ]
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, bugfix: Change name format for MsSql backup files [ old format (before v2.0.05) _fstripe1_ / new format (after v2.0.05) _fstripe01_ ]
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, for MySQL, bugfix: Put gvedt_UserExec var in GlobalVar
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, enhance: Add table tedt_RepositoryVersion and change patch file format name
- SQWareRepository for Sybase, enhance: Add table tedt_RepositoryVersion and change patch file format name
- SQWareRepository for MsSql, enhance: Add table tedt_RepositoryVersion and change patch file format name
- SQWareRepository for MsSql, enhance: Modify enable/disable xp_cmdshell method
- SQWareRepository for MySQL, enhance: Add table tedt_RepositoryVersion and change patch file format name
- SQWareRepository for Ingres, enhance: Add table tedt_RepositoryVersion and change patch file format name
- SQWareCentral for Sybase, bugfix: edtcGenRefSybase.ksh (port)
Version 2.0.04 – 2012-01-23
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Adjust compute duration and size backup
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Correction in MenuRman for ‘cross incarnation’ restore
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Modify name generation for multiple schema expdp
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, feature: Adding licenses and parameters info
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: modify AWR error check
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: modify gen AWR (new TAG in …)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: AWR generation modification for and
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Support 9i for RMAN backup scripts
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: default number of threads in physical cold backup
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Modify awr for suppress ##### in hit ratio
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Adjust compute duration and size backup
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, feature: Adding licenses and parameters info
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Add gather indicators parameter, license and tables volumetry
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: update MsSql indicators (gather and check)
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, feature: Adding licenses and parameters info
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, feature: Adding licenses and parameters info
- SQWareRepository for Sybase, feature: Adding licenses and parameters info
- SQWareRepository for MsSql, feature: Adding licenses and parameters info
- SQWareRepository for MySQL, feature: Adding licenses and parameters info
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, feature: Adding licenses info
- SQWareWeb for Sybase, feature: Adding licenses info
- SQWareWeb for MsSql, feature: Adding licenses info
- SQWareWeb for MySQL, SQWareWeb feature: Adding licenses info
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: Modify GenRef scripts
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, feature: MAJ for CMDB
- SQWareCentral for Sybase, enhance: Modify GenRef scripts
- SQWareCentral for Sybase, feature: MAJ for CMDB
- SQWareCentral for MsSql, enhance: Modify GenRef scripts
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, enhance: Modify GenRef scripts
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, feature: MAJ for CMDB
- SQWareCentral for Ingres, enhance: Modify GenRef scripts
Version 2.0.03 – 2011-11-25
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Convert to UNIX format *_GatherDistantFsSize.*
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Change for Oracle scripts ‘:’ in ‘_’ because sqlnet <10g not accept this (9i client for example to connect to 8i instances …)
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Put trunc(sysdate) for insert indicators
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, feature: Add cpu_count, OS type and Oracle edition in indicators
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Add chmod to tmp dir
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, bugfix: Convert to UNIX format *_GatherDistantFsSize.*
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, bugfix: Add chmod to tmp dir
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, bugfix: Add chmod to tmp dir
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, bugfix: Add chmod to tmp dir
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, feature: Add no check backup in check indicators script
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, bugfix: Add chmod to tmp dir
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, feature: Add host information table
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, feature: Add cpu_count, OS type and Oracle edition in indicators
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: Add ‘OLD%’ status in scripts
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, bugfix: Change for Oracle scripts ‘:’ in ‘_’ because sqlnet <10g not accept this (9i client for example to connect to 8i instances …)
Version 2.0.02 – 2011-11-07
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: Suppress blank line for AWR configuration file
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Gather FS size from ssh
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, feature: Suppress ‘TYPE2 UNDO’ from Oracle indicators
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Adding DBMS_STATS script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Adding activate monitoring script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Test if background_dump_dest or diagnostic_dest contain $ORACLE_HOME, not supported for edtora_PurgeAlert.ksh
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Gather FS size from ssh
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Modify gather backup size method (for old linux version)
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, bugfix: Activate xp_cmdshell for MsSql 2005
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, enhance: Add script to update ORACLE_SID
- SQWareRepository for MsSql, enhance: Increase database name size
- SQWareWeb for MySQL, bugfix: corrections in dashboard charts
Version 2.0.01 – 2011-09-28
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, bugfix: Correct some bugs for GatherIndicators and GenerateConfigureInstance
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: Add aliases in .profile_confort
- SQWareCentral for Sybase, enhance: Add aliases in .profile_confort
- SQWareCentral for MsSql, enhance: Add aliases in .profile_confort
- SQWareCentral for MsSql, enhance: Add FreeTds config file generator
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, enhance: Add aliases in .profile_confort
- SQWareCentral for Ingres, enhance: Add aliases in .profile_confort
Version 2.0.RC3 – 2011-09-24
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Add gvedt_TraceBackup in configuration of SQWareProduction to disable backup trace
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Add gvedt_TraceBackup in configuration of SQWareProduction to disable backup trace
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Add gvedt_TraceBackup in configuration of SQWareProduction to disable backup trace
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, bugfix: Change for databases with spaces in name
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Modify exit code
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: Add gvedt_TraceBackup in configuration of SQWareProduction to disable backup trace
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, enhance: Add gvedt_TraceBackup in configuration of SQWareProduction to disable backup trace
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, bugfix: Correct /1024 => /1024.0
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, enhance: Delete unused files
- SQWareWeb for Sybase, bugfix: Correct /1024 => /1024.0
- SQWareWeb for Sybase, enhance: Delete unused files
- SQWareWeb for MsSql, bugfix: Correct /1024 => /1024.0
- SQWareWeb for MySQL, bugfix: Correct /1024 => /1024.0
- SQWareWeb for Ingres, bugfix: Correct /1024 => /1024.0
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: Change help files
- SQWareCentral for Sybase, enhance: Change help files
- SQWareCentral for MsSql, enhance: Change help files
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, enhance: Change help files
- SQWareCentral for Ingres, enhance: Change help files
Version 2.0.RC2 – 2011-09-18
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Change search dump file to load (for PJC)
- SQWareRepository for MySQL, enhance: Some adjust
- SQWareRepository for Ingres, enhance: Some adjust
- SQWareWeb Core, enhance: Some adjust
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, enhance: Change detail for volumetry in Go, round(x,2)
- SQWareWeb for Sybase, enhance: Change detail for volumetry in Go, round(x,2)
- SQWareWeb for MsSql, enhance: Change detail for volumetry in Go, round(x,2)
- SQWareWeb for MySQL, enhance: Change detail for volumetry in Go, round(x,2)
- SQWareWeb for Ingres, enhance: Some adjust
- SQWareWeb for Ingres, enhance: Change detail for volumetry in Go, round(x,2)
Version 2.0.RC1 – 14/09/2011
- SQWareRepository for Sybase, enhance: sql to update SQWareRepository Sybase
- SQWareWeb for Sybase, bugfix: Bug of GatherIndicator Sybase for databases in distant mode
- SQWareWeb for Sybase, bugfix: Pb date dashboard Sybase
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: Add help to deploy
- SQWareCentral for Sybase, enhance: Add help to deploy
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, enhance: Add help to deploy
Version 2.0.alpha – 2011-05-15
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, feature: Adding the remote connection to the majority of scripts
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Adding automatic log generation for scripts execution
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, feature: Adding dmpdp script
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: Adding variable for user connexion
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, feature: Adding the remote connection to the majority of scripts
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Adding automatic log generation for scripts execution
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: Adding variable for user connexion
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, feature: Adding the remote connection to the majority of scripts
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Adding automatic log generation for scripts execution
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: Adding variable for user connexion
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, feature: Adding the remote connection to the majority of scripts
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: Adding automatic log generation for scripts execution
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: Adding variable for user connexion
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, enhance: Adding automatic log generation for scripts execution
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, enhance: Adding variable for user connexion
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, feature: Store logs summary of SQWareProduction execution
- SQWareRepository for Sybase, feature: Store logs summary of SQWareProduction execution
- SQWareRepository for MsSql, feature: Store logs summary of SQWareProduction execution
- SQWareRepository for MySQL, feature: Store logs summary of SQWareProduction execution
- SQWareRepository for Ingres, feature: Store logs summary of SQWareProduction execution
- SQWareWeb Core, enhance: Script to display raw files (like logs)
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, feature: Display logs of SQWareProduction execution
- SQWareWeb for Sybase, feature: Display logs of SQWareProduction execution
- SQWareWeb for MsSql, feature: Display logs of SQWareProduction execution
- SQWareWeb for MySQL, feature: Display logs of SQWareProduction execution
- SQWareWeb for Ingres, feature: Display logs of SQWareProduction execution
- SQWareCentral Core, feature: New menu for automatic scripts execution
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: Script for ssh key deployment
- SQWareCentral for Sybase, enhance: Script for ssh key deployment
- SQWareCentral for MsSql, enhance: Script for ssh key deployment
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, enhance: Script for ssh key deployment
- SQWareCentral for Ingres, enhance: Script for ssh key deployment
Major version v1.2
Version 1.2.11 – 2011-01-11
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, bugfix: BSPO20101231, bad command to save password in edtora_RmanClone.lib
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: help file for edtora_GlobalVar.cfg variables files
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: help file for edtora_DbRefVar.cfg variables files
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: help file for edtora_IndicatorsVar.cfg variables files
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: help file for edtsyb_GlobalVar.cfg variables files
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: help file for edtsyb_DbRefVar.cfg variables files
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: help file for edtsyb_IndicatorsVar.cfg variables files
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: help file for edtmsq_GlobalVar.cfg variables files
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: help file for edtmsq_DbRefVar.cfg variables files
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: help file for edtmsq_IndicatorsVar.cfg variables files
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: help file for edtmys_GlobalVar.cfg variables files
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: help file for edtmys_DbRefVar.cfg variables files
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: help file for edtmys_IndicatorsVar.cfg variables files
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, enhance: help file for edting_GlobalVar.cfg variables files
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, enhance: help file for edting_DbRefVar.cfg variables files
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, bugfix: lack grant on tedt_AwrCpuBef111 to _LEC user
Version 1.2.10 – 2011-01-01
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: new option ‘-s’ for bin script to display usage examples
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: new option ‘-s’ for bin script to display usage examples
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: new option ‘-s’ for bin script to display usage examples
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: new option ‘-s’ for bin script to display usage examples
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, enhance: new option ‘-s’ for bin script to display usage examples
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareRepository for Sybase, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareRepository for MsSql, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareRepository for MySQL, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareRepository for Ingres, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareWeb Core, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareWeb for Sybase, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareWeb for MsSql, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareWeb for MySQL, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareWeb for Ingres, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareCentral Core, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareCentral Core, enhance: new option ‘-s’ for bin script to display usage examples
- SQWareCentral for Oracle, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareCentral for Sybase, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareCentral for MsSql, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareCentral for MySQL, enhance: new name of module
- SQWareCentral for Ingres, enhance: new name of module
Version 1.2.09 – 2010-12-20
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance: save password before clone
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, bugfix: list generation of tables in stat script
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: filter of database list genarator (include and exclude in like format + where clause)
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, bugfix: list generation of tables in stat script
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance: filter of database list genarator (include and exclude in like format + where clause)
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance: filter of database list genarator (include and exclude in like format + where clause)
- SQWareWeb for Sybase, SQWareWeb enhance: lack backup report
- SQWareWeb for MsSql, SQWareWeb enhance: lack backup report
- SQWareWeb for MySQL, enhance: lack backup report
Version 1.2.xx 2010-09-01
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance : email report in html format
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, enhance : check lack backups
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, feature: RMAN clone to copy database
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, feature: RMAN partial clone to restore tablespace list in menu_rman
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance : email report in html format
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance : check lack backups
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, feature: new update statistcs (index with auto sample size)
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, enhance: new rebuild method (only indexes if table is not necessary)
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance : email report in html format
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, enhance : check lack backups
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, feature: new rebuild index method for 2005 and 2008
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance : email report in html format
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, enhance : check lack backups
- SQWareProduction for Ingres, First version that support Ingres
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, New tables for AWR reports to support 11g reports formats
- SQWareRepository for Oracle, New view to aggregate AWR table reports for all versions
- SQWareRepository for Sybase, New tables to exclude check backup of instances and databases
- SQWareRepository for MsSql, New tables to exclude check backup of instances and databases
- SQWareRepository for MySQL, New tables to exclude check backup of instances and databases
- SQWareRepository for Ingres, New tables to exclude check backup of instances and databases
- SQWareWeb Core, feature: new debug flags for chart and table generators
- SQWareWeb Core, enhance: new method to trap errors in main menu
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, feature: new sub-menu dashboard
- SQWareWeb for Oracle, enhance: check backup page in technical sub-menu
- SQWareWeb for Ingres, First version that support Ingres
- SQWareCentral Core, feature: change of principal directory
- SQWareProduction for Oracle, feature: Crontab example
- SQWareProduction for Sybase, feature: Crontab example
- SQWareProduction for MsSql, feature: Crontab example
- SQWareProduction for MySQL, feature: Crontab example
- SQWareCentral for Ingres, First version that support Ingres
A noter, l’apparition de l’option ‘-s’ permettant d’avoir des exemples d’utilisation en ligne pour compléter l’option ‘-h’ d’aide en ligne.