Flexible and modular, dbSQWare offers a complete multi-engine database operating base that adapts to all environments.

It supports 12 types of database engines (relational or NoSQL).

And despite the diversity of these database engines and their heterogeneity, with dbSQWare, their operation and their maintenance are done in a completely homogeneous way.


dbSQWare is a multi-DBMS operating and maintenance software that supports 12 types of database engines which are among the most widespread and most used.
Supported versions have a range of 30 years, from the early 90s for some DBMS (Oracle 7, SQL Server 6.5) until today.

dbSQWare supports 9 RDBMS (Relational Database Management System):
 👉   Oracle, most popular on UNIX/Linux
 👉   SQLServer, developed by Microsoft and mainly deployed on Windows
 👉   Teradata, a historical RDBMS with colossal storage capacities
 👉   Sybase, acquired by SAP and former market leader
 👉   DB2 LUW, the distributed system version of the Mainframe engine
 👉   Ingres, dating from the 80s and in Open Source since 2004
 👉   MySQL, the most popular Open Source RDBMS
 👉   MariaDB, a fork of MySQL
 👉   PostgreSQL, the most advanced Open Source RDBMS

and 3 NoSQL:
 👉   Cassandra and her column-oriented organization
 👉   MongoDB, the most popular NoSQL, with a document-oriented organization
 👉   Adabas Linux version, accessible by the natural language.

Despite the diversity of these database engines and their heterogeneity, dbSQWare makes it possible to have a common approach via centralized and homogeneous exploitation.


The version 2021.02 of dbSQWare has just been released!
With a novelty that should please: the ability to view and add general notes for each DBMS managed and each of its instances.
The addition of a handrail is in preparation and will be available in the next version.
A plus for our users who will gain visibility and information, both on history and on current affairs.

Not to mention that dbSQWare is the only DBMS management and maintenance software capable of managing 11 types of database engines.