dbSQWare is a multi-DBMS operating and maintenance software that supports 12 types of database engines which are among the most widespread and most used.
Supported versions have a range of 30 years, from the early 90s for some DBMS (Oracle 7, SQL Server 6.5) until today.
dbSQWare supports 9 RDBMS (Relational Database Management System):
👉 Oracle, most popular on UNIX/Linux
👉 SQLServer, developed by Microsoft and mainly deployed on Windows
👉 Teradata, a historical RDBMS with colossal storage capacities
👉 Sybase, acquired by SAP and former market leader
👉 DB2 LUW, the distributed system version of the Mainframe engine
👉 Ingres, dating from the 80s and in Open Source since 2004
👉 MySQL, the most popular Open Source RDBMS
👉 MariaDB, a fork of MySQL
👉 PostgreSQL, the most advanced Open Source RDBMS
and 3 NoSQL:
👉 Cassandra and her column-oriented organization
👉 MongoDB, the most popular NoSQL, with a document-oriented organization
👉 Adabas Linux version, accessible by the natural language.
Despite the diversity of these database engines and their heterogeneity, dbSQWare makes it possible to have a common approach via centralized and homogeneous exploitation.